Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

[2] The Minister's Secretariat is the department that manages general policies that affect the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a whole.This includes overseeing permission of grants, teacher quality, as well as the selection and admission of both domestic and abroad students.[2] The Japan Sports Agency is tasked with the promotion of physical education and health, as well as maintaining the country's ability to compete in international athletics.Nonetheless, each department of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology researches programs and institutions to fund.[2] The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, were able to get their funding increased successfully through the years.[6][7] It offers financial support of up to ¥80,000 per month for the top 1% of students of any foreign country for studies at a Japanese university.[8] MEXT sends teachers around the world to serve in nihonjin gakkō, full-time Japanese international schools in foreign countries.
Japanese students in front of Tokyo station, Marunouchi
74th National Sports Festival of Japan, during a 400-meter race
The Institute of Medical Science Tokyo Japan General Research Building 0104
Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and CultureGovernment of JapanKasumigasekiChiyoda-kuToshiko AbeAgency for Cultural Affairsministries of Japanexecutive branchminister of education, culture, sports, science and technologyUnited Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural OrganizationInstitute of Medical ScienceJapan Society for the Promotion of Sciencecomputer sciencesynthesischemical engineeringmicromachinerybiotechnologyhuman genomecell signalingbioinformaticsStructural biologylife sciencesdevelopmental biologybiomedical engineeringJET ProgrammeMonbukagakusho Scholarshipromanization of Japanesenihonjin gakkōhoshū jugyō kōNational Spiritual Mobilization MovementEducation in JapanFundamental Law of EducationHistory of education in JapanJapanese history textbook controversiesReischauer, Edwin OBibcodeMinistry of Foreign AffairsBrookdale Community CollegeLehigh UniversityJapanese governmentministriesCabinetCabinet SecretariatCabinet Legislation BureauNational Security CouncilNational Personnel AuthorityCabinet OfficeImperial Household AgencyFair Trade CommissionNational Public Safety CommissionNational Police AgencyPersonal Information Protection CommissionFinancial Services AgencyConsumer Affairs AgencyCasino Regulatory CommissionDigital AgencyReconstruction AgencyInternal Affairs and CommunicationsJusticeForeign AffairsFinanceHealth, Labour, and WelfareAgriculture, Forestry and FisheriesEconomy, Trade and IndustryLand, Infrastructure, Transport and TourismEnvironmentDefenseBoard of Audit