Cabinet Legislation Bureau
The Cabinet Legislation Bureau (内閣法制局, naikakuhōseikyoku) is a Japanese government agency which advises Cabinet members on drafting legislation to be proposed to the Diet.It acts as legal counsel for the Cabinet by examining bills, orders, and treaties.It interprets existing laws and pending legislation for the Executive Branch.The Constitutional Archives Research Office is also located in the First Department.It examines pending legislative bills, draft Cabinet orders, and draft treaties that relate to the Financial Services Agency; the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of Finance; and the Board of Audit.
KasumigasekiChiyoda-kuCabinet of JapanCabinetlegal counseltreatiesPrime MinistercourtsMinistry of JusticeMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and TechnologyMinistry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and TourismMinistry of DefenseFinancial Services AgencyMinistry of Internal Affairs and CommunicationsMinistry of Foreign AffairsMinistry of FinanceBoard of AuditFair Trade CommissionMinistry of Health, Labour and WelfareMinistry of Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesMinistry of Economy, Trade and IndustryMinistry of the EnvironmentMinistry of Finance (Japan)Japanese governmentministriesCabinet SecretariatNational Security CouncilNational Personnel AuthorityCabinet OfficeImperial Household AgencyNational Public Safety CommissionNational Police AgencyPersonal Information Protection CommissionConsumer Affairs AgencyCasino Regulatory CommissionDigital AgencyReconstruction AgencyInternal Affairs and CommunicationsJusticeForeign AffairsFinanceEducation, Culture, Sports, Science and TechnologyHealth, Labour, and WelfareAgriculture, Forestry and FisheriesEconomy, Trade and IndustryLand, Infrastructure, Transport and TourismEnvironmentDefense