Duct (anatomy)

In anatomy and physiology, a duct is a circumscribed channel leading from an exocrine gland or organ.For sources that make the distinction, the interlobar ducts are more likely to classified with simple columnar epithelium (or pseudostratified epithelium), reserving the stratified columnar for the lobar ducts.It is characterized by the basal infoldings of its plasma membrane, characteristic of ion-pumping activity by the numerous mitochondria.[8][9] Along with the intercalated ducts, they function to modify salivary fluid by secreting HCO3− and K+ and reabsorbing Na+ and Cl− using the Na-K pump and the Cl-HCO3 pump, making the saliva hypotonic.In the human mammary gland, the intralobular duct is a part of the glandular system that resides within the lobules.
Striated duct in parotid gland
Ductus (linguistics)Lactiferous ductLobuleConnective tissueAdventitialongitudinal muscular coatTransverse muscular fibersSubmucousMuscularis mucosaeMucous membranelymphoid noduleStratified epithelial liningMucous glandGland ductStriated muscular fibersAnatomical terminologyanatomyphysiologyexocrine glandmammary glandnippleCystic ductgallbladdercommon bile ductCommon hepatic ductpancreatic ductpancreashepatopancreatic ampullaEjaculatory ductvas deferensurethraParotid ductparotid glandsalivaSubmandibular ductsubmandibular glandMajor sublingual ductsublingual glandBartholin's glandsBartholin's fluidCerebral aqueductfourth ventriclethird ventriclecerebrospinal fluidacinusintralobular ductsimple cuboidalparenchymasimple columnarstratified columnarsimple columnar epitheliumpseudostratified epitheliumsubmaxillary glandkittenCentroacinar cellsExocrineAnatomical terms of microanatomystriated ductsalivary glandsintercalated ductepitheliumintralobular ductssublingual ductDuctal carcinomaEndocrine glandList of distinct cell types in the adult human bodyOxford University PressEpithelialSquamous Cuboidal ColumnarSimple squamous epitheliumEndotheliumMesotheliumSimple cuboidal epitheliumStratified squamous epitheliumStratified cuboidal epitheliumStratified columnar epitheliumPseudostratified columnar epitheliumRespiratory epitheliumTransitional epitheliumUrotheliumMerocrineEccrineApocrineHolocrineSebaceousMeibomianTubular glandAlveolar glandSerous glandsMucous glandsMyoepithelial cellSerous demiluneIntralobularStriated Intercalated