Insectivorous Plants

[1] Part of a series of works by Darwin related to his theory of natural selection, the book is a study of carnivorous plants with specific attention paid to the adaptations that allow them to live in difficult conditions.[3] Darwin tried several methods to stimulate the plants into activating their trap mechanisms, including feeding them meat and glass, blowing on them and prodding them with hair.[3] He also discovered that while some plants have distinct trap-like structures, others produce sticky fluids to ensnare their prey and concluded that this was an example of natural selection pressure resulting in various methods for food capture.From his initial observations in 1860 of Drosera rotundifolia, the common sundew, Darwin developed a series of experiments ultimately establishing how "excellently adapted" these plants are to catching insects (p. 3).Darwin then turns his attention to other varieties of insectivorous plants and makes comparisons, noting that in some cases different parts of the leaf are used for digestion and others for absorption of decayed matter (p. 330–331).
Drawing of a Venus flytrap , one of the plants Darwin studied, from the German translation
Carnivorous plantCharles DarwinBotanyEvolutionJohn Murraynaturalistevolutionary theoryLondonnatural selectioncarnivorous plantsGeorgeFrancis Darwinfirst editionVenus flytrapDrosera rotundifoliaDroserapepsinPinguiculaUtriculariafamilyInsectivorous Plant SocietyChrist's College, CambridgeDarwin–Wedgwood familyErasmus DarwinJosiah WedgwoodEducationVoyage on HMS BeagleInception of theoryDevelopment of theoryPublication of theoryReactions to On the Origin of SpeciesOrchids to VariationDescent of Man to EmotionsInsectivorous Plants to WormsReligious viewsHealthPortraits of DarwincaricaturesWritingsExtracts from Letters to HenslowThe Voyage of the BeagleThe Structure and Distribution of Coral ReefsZoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. BeagleGeological Observations on the Volcanic IslandsGeological Observations on South AmericaOn the Tendency of Species to form VarietiesOn the Origin of SpeciesFertilisation of OrchidsThe Variation of Animals and Plants Under DomesticationThe Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to SexThe Expression of the Emotions in Man and AnimalsInsectivorous PlantsOn the Movements and Habits of Climbing PlantsThe Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable KingdomThe Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same SpeciesThe Power of Movement in PlantsThe Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of WormsThe Autobiography of Charles DarwinCorrespondenceThe Life and Letters of Charles DarwinMore Letters of Charles DarwinList of described taxaEugenicsDysgenicsThe Genetical Theory of Natural SelectionHistory of evolutionary thoughtPangenesisDarwin IndustryCommemorationthings named for DarwinDarwinismNeuralQuantumSocialUniversalAlternatives toEclipse ofHMS BeagleDarwin MedalDarwin AwardsHuxley family