Gemelli muscles

In some people, the fibres of the gemellus superior extend further than average, and are prolonged onto the medial surface of the greater trochanter of the femur.[2] The inferior gemellus muscle arises from the upper part of the ischial tuberosity, immediately below the groove for the internal obturator tendon.It blends with the lower part of the tendon, and is inserted with it into the medial surface of the greater trochanter.[1] The gemelli muscles act to compensate the reduced power of the internal obturator as it turns around the lesser sciatic notch.[2] Gemellus is the diminutive of "geminus"[clarification needed] meaning twin, doubled or duplicated.
Gemelli muscles – superior shown in red above internal obturator, and inferior shown below the internal obturator.
internal obturator muscleIschiopubic ramusobturator membraneAnatomical terms of musclelateral rotator groupfasciculiischial spinegreater trochanterinferior gluteal arteryischial tuberositylesser sciatic notchquadratus femorisMuscles of the hiphuman legIliac regionIliopsoasPsoas majorPsoas minorIliacusButtocksGluteal musclesMaximusMediusMinimusTensor fasciae lataeSuperior gemellusInternal obturatorExternal obturatorPiriformiscompartmentsAnteriorSartoriusQuadricepsRectus femorisVastus lateralisVastus intermediusVastus medialisArticularis genusPosteriorHamstringBiceps femorisSemitendinosusSemimembranosusMedialPectineusGracilisAdductorLongusBrevisMagnusFasciaFemoral sheathFemoral canalFemoral ringAdductor canalAdductor hiatusMuscular lacunaFascia lataIliotibial tractLateral intermuscular septum of thighMedial intermuscular septum of thighCribriform fasciaTibialis anteriorExtensor hallucis longusExtensor digitorum longusFibularis (peroneus) tertiusTriceps suraeGastrocnemiusSoleusAccessory soleusAchilles tendonPlantaristarsal tunnelFlexor hallucis longusFlexor digitorum longusTibialis posteriorPopliteusLateralFibularis (peroneus) musclesPes anserinusIntermuscular septaTransverseExtensor hallucis brevisExtensor digitorum brevisAbductor hallucisFlexor digitorum brevisAbductor digiti minimiQuadratus plantaeLumbrical muscleFlexor hallucis brevisAdductor hallucisFlexor digiti minimi brevisDorsal interosseiPlantar interosseiPlantar fasciaPeronealInferior extensorSuperior extensorFlexor