ISO/IEC 80000

[23][24] According to the standard, symbols for quantities are "generally single letters from the Latin or Greek alphabet" and are "written in italic (sloping) type".[25] It specifies mathematical symbols, explains their meanings, and gives verbal equivalents and applications.[35] It gives names, symbols, definitions and units for quantities used for light and optical radiation in the wavelength range of approximately 1 nm to 1 mm.It has a scope; normative references; names, definitions, and symbols; and prefixes for binary multiples.Quantities defined in this standard are: The standard also includes definitions for units relating to information technology, such as the erlang (E), bit (bit), octet (o), byte (B), baud (Bd), shannon (Sh), hartley (Hart), and the natural unit of information (nat).It further clarifies that "ISQ is simply a convenient notation to assign to the essentially infinite and continually evolving and expanding system of quantities and equations on which all of modern science and technology rests.In the standard, the application of the binary prefixes is not limited to units of information storage.
international standardInternational System of QuantitiesInternational Organization for StandardizationInternational Electrotechnical Commissionphysical quantitiesunits of measurementISO 31-0IEC 60027-1IEC 60027-3MathematicsISO 31-11ISO 31-1ISO 31-2MechanicsISO 31-3Thermo­dynamicsISO 31-4Electro­magnetismISO 31-5radiationISO 31-6AcousticsISO 31-7Physical chemistrymolecular physicsISO 31-8Atomicnuclear physicsISO 31-9ISO 31-10Characteristic numbersISO 31-12Condensed matter physicsISO 31-13Information sciencetechnologyTelebiometricsIEC 60027-7LogarithmicISO 31-11ISO 31-1ISO 31-2decibelISO 31-3ISO 31-4thermodynamicsISO 31-5electromagnetismISO 31-6optical radiationwavelengthsound pressuresound powersound exposurelevelssound pressure levelsound power levelsound exposure levelstatic pressuresound particle displacementsound particle velocitysound particle accelerationvolume flow ratevolume velocitysound energy densitysound energysound intensitylongitudinal wavesacoustic impedancereverberation timeIEC 60027-3information technologybinarytraffic intensitysignalstorage capacitybinary digitbinary digitsmodulation rateHamming distanceclock frequencyinformation contententropymaximum entropyrelative entropyredundancyconditional entropyequivocationirrelevanceaverage information ratechannel capacityerlangshannonhartleynatural unit of informationbinary prefixesInternational System of UnitsSI prefixesmebibytemegabyteoctavesIEC 60027-2International Vocabulary of MetrologyIEEE Journal of Oceanic EngineeringBibcodeISO standardsISO romanizationsIEC standards1073-11073-28501-18805/88068820-59000/90019592/95939797-110118-311941 (TR)12234-213406-215926 WIP16355-116612-216949 (TS)19775-119794-523090-323094-123094-227000 series29199-260870-560870-660906-161131-361131-962014-413522-527000-series