ISO 31-5

ISO 31-5 is the part of international standard ISO 31 that defines names and symbols for quantities and units related to electricity and magnetism.It is superseded by ISO 80000-6.Some of its definitions are below, with values taken from NIST values of the constants:This physics-related article is a stub.You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.This standards- or measurement-related article is a stub.
international standardISO 31quantitiesISO 80000-6Speed of light in vacuumMagnetic constantElectric constantCharacteristic impedance of vacuumISO standardsISO romanizationsIEC standards1073-11073-28501-18805/88068820-59000/90019592/95939797-110118-311941 (TR)12234-213406-215926 WIP16355-116612-216949 (TS)19775-119794-523090-323094-123094-227000 series29199-2physicsstandardsmeasurement