Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

The IEEE has a corporate office in New York City and an operations center in Piscataway, New Jersey.[11] IEEE claims to produce over 30% of the world's literature in the electrical, electronics, and computer engineering fields, publishing approximately 200 peer-reviewed journals[12] and magazines.[17] IEEE has 39 technical societies, each focused on a certain knowledge area, which provide specialized publications, conferences, business networking and other services.[24] As of the end of 2014, the foundation's total assets were nearly $45 million, split equally between unrestricted and donor-designated funds.[29][30] On June 3, 2019, IEEE lifted restrictions on Huawei's editorial and peer review activities after receiving clearance from the United States government.
Institution of Electrical EngineersIndustrial Electronic EngineersProfessional associationTax ID no.501(c)(3)nonprofit organization3 Park AvenueNew York CityAmerican Institute of Electrical EngineersInstitute of Radio Engineersconferenceselectrical engineeringelectronics engineeringPiscataway, New Jerseystate- and territory-basedList of IEEE publicationscomputer engineeringpeer-reviewed journalsIEEE Xplorebusiness networkingComputer SocietyPhotonics SocietyPower & Energy SocietyProfessional Communication SocietyRobotics and Automation SocietySignal Processing SocietySystems, Man, and Cybernetics SocietyVehicular Technology SocietyEngineering and Technology History WikiHuaweiIEEE Spectrum2022 Russian invasion of UkraineCertified Software Development ProfessionalGlossary of electrical and electronics engineeringEta Kappa NuIEEE Standards AssociationInstitution of Engineering and TechnologyInternational Electrotechnical CommissionList of IEEE awardsList of IEEE conferencesList of IEEE fellowsAcronymFinderThe RegisterGlobalSpecBiometrics CouncilCouncil on Electronic Design AutomationCouncil on SuperconductivityNanotechnology CouncilSensors CouncilSystems CouncilTechnical Activities BoardTechnicalsocietiesAerospace and Electronic SystemsAntennas and PropagationBroadcast TechnologyCircuits and SystemsCommunicationsComponents Packaging, and Manufacturing TechnologyComputational IntelligenceComputerConsumer ElectronicsControl SystemsDielectrics and Electrical InsulationEducationElectromagnetic CompatibilityElectron DevicesEngineering in Medicine and BiologyGeoscience and Remote SensingIndustrial ElectronicsIndustry ApplicationsInformation TheoryInstrumentation and MeasurementIntelligent Transportation SystemsMagneticsNuclear and Plasma SciencesOceanic EngineeringPhotonicsPower and EnergyPower ElectronicsProduct Safety EngineeringProfessional CommunicationReliabilityRobotics and AutomationSignal ProcessingSocial Implications of TechnologySolid-State CircuitsSystems, Man, and CyberneticsTechnology ManagementUltrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency ControlVehicular TechnologyComputer-Aided Design Technical CommitteeEngineering for ChangeIEEE AccessIEEE Cloud ComputingIEEE conferencesIEEEXtremeIEEEmadCIEEE Rebooting ComputingInternet Technical CommitteeIEEE Life SciencesList of IEEE milestonesIEEE Registration AuthorityIEEE Smart GridIEEE styleTechnical Committee on VLSI