
The name is derived from the Greek words hippos (ἵππος; "horse") and dromos (δρόμος; "course").The ancient Roman version, the circus, was similar to the Greek hippodrome.One end of the ancient Greek hippodromos was semicircular, and the other end square with an extensive portico, in front of which, at a lower level, were the stalls for the horses and chariots.At both ends of the hippodrome were posts (Greek termata) that the chariots turned around.This was the most dangerous part of the track and the Greeks put an altar to Taraxippus (disturber of horses) there to show the spot where many chariots wrecked.
Biga chariot rounding a terma : Attic black-figure amphora, circa 500 BC, found at Vulci
Hippodrome (disambiguation)HippodromeLondonancient Greekhorse racingchariot racingancient RomancircusporticohorsesTaraxippusDelphiIsthmiaLageionMount LykaionOlympiaAphrodisiasCaesarea MaritimaCircus MaximusGerasaHippodrome of BerytusHippodrome of ConstantinopleTyre HippodromeMiróbrigaRoman circus of MéridaRoman Stadium of PhilippopolisList of horse racing venuesKensington HippodromeMadison Square Garden (1879)New York HippodromeBrighton HippodromeBirmingham HippodromeBristol HippodromeHulme HippodromeHippodrome Theatre (Baltimore)Hippodrome Theater (Richmond, Virginia)VelodromeOval trackDragstripWayback Machine