Fruela II of Asturias

Fruela, the youngest brother, took the original portion (Asturias); Ordoño took Galicia; and García, the eldest, took León.[1][2] As king of Asturias, he had the job of consolidating the region later called Castile and keeping its counts in check.They cooperated in the Reconquista, and Fruela undersigned Ordoño's diplomas as Froila frater confirmat (Frela the brother confirms).He assassinated Gebuldo and Aresindo, sons of Olmundo, who claimed descent from King Witiza and thus further alienated the nobility.[1] Following Fruela's death, there were several competing claimants to his lands, including his younger brother Ramiro (who appears to have married the widowed queen Urraca bint Qasi and used the royal title but was eventually unsuccessful) and the sons of his brother Ordoño II, along with his own young sons.
AsturiasAlfonso IIIOrdoño IIAlfonso IVGaliciaAlfonso FróilazDynastyAstur-Leonese dynastyAlfonso III of AsturiasChalcedonian Christianityking of AsturiasOrdoñoGarcíaCastileBanu QasiTudelaAlfonsoReconquistaWitizaRamón Menéndez PidalleprosyKing of LeónKing of GaliciaMonarchsPelagiusFavilaAlfonso IFruela IAureliusMauregatusBermudo IAlfonso IINepotianRamiro IOrdoño IFruelaAstur-Leonese houseGarcía IRamiro IIOrdoño IIISancho IOrdoño IVRamiro IIIBermudo IIAlfonso VBermudo IIIHouse of JiménezFerdinand ISancho IIAlfonso VIUrracaHouse of BurgundyAlfonso VIIFerdinand IIAlfonso IXSanchaFerdinand IIIAlfonso XSancho IVFerdinand IVAlfonso XIHouse of TrastámaraHenry IIJohn IHenry IIIJohn IIHenry IVIsabella IFerdinand VJoannaPhilip IHouse of HabsburgCharles ISpanish