
Frame-dragging is an effect on spacetime, predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, that is due to non-static stationary distributions of mass–energy.[1][2][3] They predicted that the rotation of a massive object would distort the spacetime metric, making the orbit of a nearby test particle precess.In 2015, new general-relativistic extensions of Newtonian rotation laws were formulated to describe geometric dragging of frames which incorporates a newly discovered antidragging effect.For example, imagine that a north–south-oriented ice skater, in orbit over the equator of a rotating black hole and rotationally at rest with respect to the stars, extends her arms.In 1976 Van Patten and Everitt[7][8] proposed to implement a dedicated mission aimed to measure the Lense–Thirring node precession of a pair of counter-orbiting spacecraft to be placed in terrestrial polar orbits with drag-free apparatus.[17][18][19] The Gravity Probe B experiment[20][21] was a satellite-based mission by a Stanford group and NASA, used to experimentally measure another gravitomagnetic effect, the Schiff precession of a gyroscope,[22][23][24] to an expected 1% accuracy or better.[26] In 2008 the Senior Review Report of the NASA Astrophysics Division Operating Missions stated that it was unlikely that the Gravity Probe B team will be able to reduce the errors to the level necessary to produce a convincing test of currently untested aspects of General Relativity (including frame-dragging).[27][28] On May 4, 2011, the Stanford-based analysis group and NASA announced the final report,[29] and in it the data from GP-B demonstrated the frame-dragging effect with an error of about 19 percent, and Einstein's predicted value was at the center of the confidence interval.A research group in Italy,[34] USA, and UK also claimed success in verification of frame dragging with the Grace gravity model, published in a peer reviewed journal.Gravitomagnetic forces produced by the Lense–Thirring effect (frame dragging) within the ergosphere of rotating black holes[37][38] combined with the energy extraction mechanism by Penrose[39] have been used to explain the observed properties of relativistic jets.The gravitomagnetic model developed by Reva Kay Williams predicts the observed high energy particles (~GeV) emitted by quasars and active galactic nuclei; the extraction of X-rays, γ-rays, and relativistic e−– e+ pairs; the collimated jets about the polar axis; and the asymmetrical formation of jets (relative to the orbital plane).It touches the inner surface at the poles of the rotation axis, where the colatitude θ equals 0 or π; its radius in Boyer-Lindquist coordinates is defined by the formula where the purely temporal component gtt of the metric changes sign from positive to negative.
The two surfaces on which the Kerr metric appears to have singularities; the inner surface is the oblate spheroid -shaped event horizon , whereas the outer surface is pumpkin-shaped. [ 44 ] [ 45 ] The ergosphere lies between these two surfaces; within this volume, the purely temporal component g tt is negative, i.e., acts like a purely spatial metric component. Consequently, particles within this ergosphere must co-rotate with the inner mass, if they are to retain their time-like character.
Frame rateGeneral relativityIntroductionHistoryTimelineMathematical formulationEquivalence principleSpecial relativityWorld linePseudo-Riemannian manifoldKepler problemGravitational lensingGravitational redshiftGravitational time dilationGravitational wavesGeodetic effectEvent horizonSingularityBlack holeSpacetimeSpacetime diagramsMinkowski spacetimeEinstein–Rosen bridgeLinearized gravityEinstein field equationsFriedmannGeodesicsMathisson–Papapetrou–DixonHamilton–Jacobi–EinsteinPost-NewtonianKaluza–Klein theoryQuantum gravitySolutionsSchwarzschildinteriorReissner–NordströmEinstein–Rosen wavesWormholeGödelKerr–NewmanKerr–Newman–de SitterKasnerLemaître–TolmanTaub–NUTRobertson–WalkerOppenheimer–Snyderpp-wavevan Stockum dustWeyl−Lewis−PapapetrouHartle–ThorneEinsteinLorentzHilbertPoincaréde SitterReissnerNordströmEddingtonZwickyLemaîtreOppenheimerWheelerRobertsonBardeenWalkerChandrasekharEhlersPenroseHawkingRaychaudhuriTaylorvan StockumNewmanThorneothersAlbert Einsteingeneral theory of relativitymass–energygravitoelectromagnetismclassical electromagnetismJosef LenseHans ThirringLense–Thirring effectspacetime metricprecessNewtonian mechanicsgravitational fieldgeneral principle of relativityGravity Probe Belectromagnetic inductionhyperfine structureplanetary gearMach's principleplumb-boblinear momentuminertiaLAGEOSSchiff precessionGRACE twin satellitesastrometricMilky Wayno-hair theoremsRelativistic jetsGravitomagneticergosphererotating black holesReva Kay Williamsquasarsactive galactic nucleiwhite dwarfpulsarKerr metricangular momentumBoyer–Lindquist coordinatesSchwarzschild radiusoblate spheroidal coordinatescolatitudeoblate spheroidSchwarzschild metricproper timeworldlineErnst MachMisner, Thorne, WheelerGravity Recovery and Climate ExperimentGravitomagnetismBroad iron K lineBibcodeThe Meaning of RelativityGeneral Relativity and GravitationCentral European Journal of PhysicsNew AstronomyAstrophysics and Space ScienceThe European Physical Journal PlusSchiff, L.Merritt, D.Will, C.ScienceKerr, R. P.Landau, L. D.CiteSeerXScientific AmericanWayback MachineRelativitySpecialrelativityPrinciple of relativityGalilean relativityGalilean transformationDoubly special relativityFrame of referenceSpeed of lightHyperbolic orthogonalityRapidityMaxwell's equationsProper lengthProper accelerationRelativistic massLorentz transformationTextbooksTime dilationMass–energy equivalence (E=mc2)Length contractionRelativity of simultaneityRelativistic Doppler effectThomas precessionLadder paradoxTwin paradoxTerrell rotationLight coneMinkowski diagramBiquaternionsMinkowski spaceGeneralrelativityRiemannian geometryPenrose diagramADM formalismBSSN formalismPost-Newtonian formalismRaychaudhuri equationHamilton–Jacobi–Einstein equationErnst equationTwo-body problemastronomydetectorscollaborationLISA PathfinderHulse–Taylor binaryOther testsprecessionlensingEinstein crossEinstein ringsredshiftShapiro delayLense–Thirring precessionpulsar timing arraysBrans–Dicke theoryKaluza–KleinFriedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–WalkerFriedmann equationsBKL singularityTolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equationOzsváth–SchückingAlcubierreNumerical relativityChoquet-BruhatZel'dovichNovikovGerochMisner