Floating Clouds (artwork)

Floating Clouds (sometimes called Flying Saucers by the artist)[1] is a work of art by American sculptor Alexander Calder, located in the Aula Magna of the University City of Caracas in Venezuela.The Floating Clouds are named specifically in the UNESCO listing of the campus as a World Heritage Site, and are greatly renowned in Venezuela.[note 1] The design of the Floating Clouds was originally a large mobile structure for outside the Aula Magna, either in its atrium or in the Plaza Cubierta, a connected covered outdoor space, but the artwork was moved inside for two diverse reasons.During the design of the hall, Calder learnt how complex both Villanueva's project and his Synthesis of the Arts theory were, and proposed an integration of his panels into the space to serve "an artistic, decorative and acoustic purpose".[6][9] The Bolt, Beranek and Newman company installed the clouds; to calibrate the design perfectly, an orchestra played on stage while they were being fitted.
Villanueva centenary logo
Floating CloudsAlexander CalderCaracasCentral University of VenezuelaAula MagnaUniversity City of CaracasVenezuelaCarlos Raúl VillanuevaUNESCOWorld Heritage SiteModernismstabilesmobileRáfaga de nieveBolt, Beranek and Newmanfalse ceilingfiberglassLeo BeranekWorld HeritageList of artworks in University City of CaracasCirque CalderLobster Trap and Fish TailSnow FlurryThe Whirling EarThe Four ElementsTeodelapioThe CrabSky HooksLa Grande Voile (The Big Sail)GwenfritzSpinal ColumnLa Grande VitesseBent PropellerFour ArchesFlamingoCheval RougeFlying DragonIntermediate Model for the ArchSaurienCalder's set for SocrateHomage to JerusalemMountains and CloudsWire sculptureAlexander Stirling CalderAlexander Milne CalderCalder GardensCentral LibraryCaracas Botanical GardenRectory PlazaTierra de nadieBy Mateo ManaureBy Francisco NarváezBerger des NuagesClock TowerConductores de VenezuelaL'AmphionMaría LionzaCovered GymnasiumOlympic StadiumUniversity StadiumWorld Heritage SitesCanaima National ParkGran SabanaAngel FallsCoro and its Port