First Scutari War
[2] In front of Venetians Balsha III, based on Jelena's instructions, protected the ancient rights of the Serbian church and Zetan Metropolitan bishop appointed by the Patriarchate of Peć.[3] After Đurađ II died in 1403, Balsha III took over control of Zeta and with Jelena′s support started an eight years long war against Venice in 1405.[7] During this war, Balsha was not fully supported by urban population of Bar and Ulcinj whose business interests were somewhat better preserved with good relations with powerful the Venetian Empire.[22] Venetians directly broke the peace agreement they signed with Jelena when they refused to pay agreed provisions to Balsha who in return attacked their possessions in early 1410.[25] When Niketa Thopia was defeated and captured by Teodor II Muzaka at the end of 1411 Balsha divorced Mara because her imprisoned father was of no use to him anymore.[28] In such circumstances even a small conflict like a minor dispute between Hoti and Mataguži (two clans who lived north of the Skadar Lake, on the border of Zeta and Venetian Shkodër) over pasture lands started chain of events which led to the new war.Two of disappointed Hoti's chieftains who led a minor part of the clan decided to leave Balsha and requested to be accepted under the Venetian suzerainty.When he became aware of their eventual influence on the rest of Hoti tribesmen who remained loyal to him he changed his mind and insisted that Paolo Quirin should reject their request.Они су се убрзо окренули против Венеције и упустили у десетогодишњи рат са њом.Јелена Балшић се ријешила да сама оде у Млетке и настави преговоре,.. била је већ крајем маја 1409. год.Крајем октобра 1409. окончани су договором да се склопи мир на годину дана без територијалних промена ...)Крајем октобра склопила је мир и, заједно с млетачким представником, заклела се на јеванђељу да ће га поштовати.планула је нова побуна у скадарскојоколшш.Послије побуне појавио сеса својим одредима Балша III, опсјео Скадар и нанио великештете његовој околшш.Два хотска главара одметнула су се тада од Балше, прешла на скадарску територију и добила млетачку службу.Сенат јесавјетовао да се и та главна група Хота привуче на млетачку страну.Преговори су били успјешни.