think not of me; Absent is that face which thou hast hated so to see; Bright be thine eyes, undimmed their dazzling shine, For never, never more shall they encounter mine!I do not need thy breath to cool my death-cold brow; But go to that far land, where she is shining now; Tell her my latest wish, tell her my dreary doom; Say that my pangs are past, but hers are yet to come.The title of the poem makes reference to two characters from Emily's imaginary childhood island of Gondal, a place which she invented and wrote short stories about along with her younger sister Anne.Gondal was a kingdom ruled by the powerful Queen, Augusta Almeda, to whom the poem is written, from another character, Fernando De Samara.Gondal was often at war with its rival nation Angria – another imaginary island and country, created by Emily and Anne's two siblings Branwell and Charlotte.