Dorsal interossei of the foot

In human anatomy, the dorsal interossei of the foot are four muscles situated between the metatarsal bones.Although small, the dorsal interossei are powerful muscles that, together with their plantar counterparts, control the direction of the toes during violent activity, thus allowing the long and short flexors to perform their actions.[1] The first and second dorsal interossei muscles additionally receive innervation from the lateral branch of the deep fibular nerve.[4] In the angular interval left between the heads of each of the three lateral muscles, one of the perforating arteries passes to the dorsum of the foot; through the space between the heads of the first muscle the deep plantar branch of the dorsalis pedis artery enters the sole of the foot.[3] This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 495 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
MetatarsalsProximal phalangesLateral plantar nerveActionsAntagonistPlantar interossei musclesAnatomical terms of musclehuman anatomymetatarsalbipenniformtransverse metatarsal ligamentaponeurosisextensor digitorum longusabductmetatarsophalangeal jointsdorsal interossei of handarch of the footdeep fibular nervedorsalis pedis arteryInterosseous muscles of the handDorsal interossei of the handPalmar interossei musclesInterosseous muscles of the footpublic domainGray's AnatomyMuscles of the hiphuman legIliac regionIliopsoasPsoas majorPsoas minorIliacusButtocksGluteal musclesMaximusMediusMinimusTensor fasciae lataeLateral rotator groupQuadratus femorisInferior gemellusSuperior gemellusInternal obturatorExternal obturatorPiriformiscompartmentsAnteriorSartoriusQuadricepsRectus femorisVastus lateralisVastus intermediusVastus medialisArticularis genusPosteriorHamstringBiceps femorisSemitendinosusSemimembranosusMedialPectineusGracilisAdductorLongusBrevisMagnusFasciaFemoral sheathFemoral canalFemoral ringAdductor canalAdductor hiatusMuscular lacunaFascia lataIliotibial tractLateral intermuscular septum of thighMedial intermuscular septum of thighCribriform fasciaTibialis anteriorExtensor hallucis longusFibularis (peroneus) tertiusTriceps suraeGastrocnemiusSoleusAccessory soleusAchilles tendonPlantaristarsal tunnelFlexor hallucis longusFlexor digitorum longusTibialis posteriorPopliteusLateralFibularis (peroneus) musclesPes anserinusIntermuscular septaTransverseExtensor hallucis brevisExtensor digitorum brevisAbductor hallucisFlexor digitorum brevisAbductor digiti minimiQuadratus plantaeLumbrical muscleFlexor hallucis brevisAdductor hallucisFlexor digiti minimi brevisPlantar interosseiPlantar fasciaPeronealInferior extensorSuperior extensorFlexor