DFS Zögling

The Zögling (English: pupil) is a German high-wing, cable-braced, single seat primary glider that was designed by Alexander Lippisch in 1926 and produced with many variations by a variety of manufacturers.The usual launch method was by bungee cord from a sloped hill.The primary structure of the glider is of wood, with the wings, tail surfaces and inverted "V" kingpost all finished in doped aircraft fabric covering.The pilot sits on a simple seat in the open air, without a windshield.[1] Data from Planeurs - Zögling[5] and The Virtual Aviation Museum[1]General characteristics
GliderGermanyAlexander Lippischhigh-wingcable-bracedprimary gliderflight trainingbungee cordkingpostaircraft fabric coveringSwedenNational Soaring MuseumElmira, New YorkUnited StatesUS Southwest Soaring MuseumAirfoilDFS SG 38 SchulgleiterSlingsby PrimaryDetroit G1 GullJongblood PrimarySchweizer SGP 1-1Cloudcraft Dickson PrimaryList of glidersDeutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug (DFS)CondorFafnirFafnir 2HabichtHol's der TeufelKranichMoazag'otlOlympia MeiseProfessorReiherRhönadlerRhönbussardRhönsperberSão PauloSchulgleiter SG 38SeeadlerSperber SeniorSperber JuniorDFS 39DFS 40DFS 54DFS 193DFS 194DFS 228DFS 230DFS 331DFS 332DFS 346LippischPrüflingGrüne PostDelta IJacobs Hols der TeufelStorch VDelta IMDelta IV (DFS 39/Fieseler F3)Delta V (DFS 40)Me 163Collins X-112RFB X-113RFB X-114P.11 (Delta VI)