Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure: Forbidden Planet is a video game programmed by Todd Replogle and published by Apogee Software.There are some interactive objects, including pushable ceiling buttons, teleporters, and springs that make Cosmo jump higher.If he takes further damage after losing all health units, or falls off a chasm, the player restarts the level.The game's working titles were "The Adventures of Zonk"[2] and "Cosmo Kid from Space", but Stephen Hornback ultimately gave it the final name.A file contained with the shareware version of the game urged people not to download it if their computers could not handle it.Computer Gaming World stated that Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure was "especially playable and extremely addicting", and that fans of Commander Keen and side-scrolling platform games "will find Cosmo much to their liking ... hours of pleasure without excessive destruction".