Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico Sociedad Anónima
[2][1] Despite being a private enterprise, as the retail electricity sector in Argentina faces heavy state regulation including low tariffs, the company has been dependent on public subsidies for years.[3] In its 35th article, the Law mandates the creation of a National Cargoes Dispatch, to be created in the legal form of a sociedad anónima (a private enterprise).[2] The law also created the Wholesale Energy Market of Argentina (Mercado Eléctrico Mayorista - MEM).[10] Since the 2001-2000 crisis and devaluation of peso, the electricity sector in Argentina faces heavy price regulations which froze all inflation-indexation mechanisms.[13][14][15] To follow on these goals, the RenovAr (renovate) programme was creating, granting tax benefits and financing stimulus.