Clinical Center of Vojvodina

The Clinical Center of Vojvodina (Serbian: Клинички центар Војводине / Klinički centar Vojvodine), commonly known as Provincial Hospital (Serbian: Покрајинска болница / Pokrajinska bolnica) is a hospital providing tertiary level health care services for the population of Vojvodina, the northern province of Serbia.The Clinical Center is also the single emergency centre and inpatient hospital for the population of the city of Novi Sad and the region of South Bačka.The clinics and diagnostic centers within the Clinical Center also represent the main research and education facilities of the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine and provide specialist trainings for medical graduates.The Great City Hospital was founded in 1909, and it was comprised departments of surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, dermatology and venereal, and internal and infectious diseases.As of 2017, the Clinical Center holds 1,425 hospital beds,[1] and its staff of 2,738 includes 502 medical doctors, 5 pharmacists, 1,350 nurses and technicians, 34 allied health professionals, 182 administrative and 665 ancillary and maintenance workers.
Institute of Surgery Novi Sad
VojvodinaSerbiaCoordinatesPublic hospitalPublicAcademic Medical CenterAffiliated universityUniversity of Novi SadEmergency departmentHelipadSerbianhospitalNovi SadSouth BačkaGovernment of SerbiaHealthcare in SerbiaList of hospitals in SerbiaSremska Kamenica InstituteMinistry of Health of SerbiaHealth in SerbiaMedical centersClinical Centre of SerbiaClinical Centre of NišClinical Centre of KragujevacMilitary hospitalMilitary Medical AcademyHistoryAlmašNeusatz DistrictUnited Serb YouthNovi Sad AssemblyBačka OblastDanube BanovinaNovi Sad raidNovi Sad AgreementNATO bombingRailway station canopy collapsePoliticsCity AssemblyPresidentLocal communitiesPeopleHonorary citizensStatuteGovernment of VojvodinaAssembly of VojvodinaNeighborhoodsNovi Sad ProperAdamovićevo NaseljeAlmaški KrajAvijatičarsko NaseljeBanatićBistricaBulevarDepresijaDetelinaraGornje LivadeGrbavicaJugovićevoMali BeogradPodbaraRimski ŠančeviRotkvarijaSajlovoSajmišteSalajkaSatelitSlana BaraStari GradŠangajTankosićevoUniversity campusVeliki RitVeternička RampaVidovdansko NaseljePetrovaradinAlibegovacBukovački PlatoMišelukPetrovaradin FortressRibnjakSadoviSremska KamenicaČardakGlavicaParagovoPopovicaSuburbsBangladešBegečBudisavaBukovacČenejKamenjarKisačKoviljLedinciLipov GajNemanovciPejićevi SalašiRumenkaStari LedinciStepanovićevoVeternikIndustrial zones in Novi SadBuildings andlandmarksBanovina PalaceBishop's PalaceEđšegFruška GoraNIS buildingNovi Sad City HallŠtrandMonument to the Victims of FascismReligionSaint George CathedralKovilj MonasteryName of Mary ChurchSlovak Evangelical ChurchChurch of the Augsburg ConfessionMuftiship of Novi SadNovi Sad SynagogueMatica SrpskaSerbian National TheatreNovi Sad TheatreNovi Sad Youth TheatreCorrespondence TheatreDrama Art SceneCultural Center of Novi SadEđšeg Cultural CenterNEVEN (cultural society)Archive of VojvodinaHistorical Archive of Novi SadCity Museum of Novi SadMuseum of VojvodinaMuseum of Contemporary Art of VojvodinaPavle Beljanski Memorial CollectionThe Gallery of Fine Arts – Gift Collection of Rajko MamuzićGallery of Matica SrpskaEducationJovan Jovanović Zmaj GymnasiumSvetozar Marković GymnasiumIsidora Sekulić GymnasiumLaza Kostić GymnasiumIsidor Bajić Music SchoolNovi Sad Open UniversityNovi Sad Theological CollegeAzbukumVojvodina Academy of Sciences and ArtsDetelinara StadiumKarađorđe StadiumSPC VojvodinaFK Crvena Zvezda Novi SadFK Indeks Novi SadFK KabelFK Mladost Novi SadFK VeternikFK VojvodinaOFK Slavija Novi SadRFK Novi Sad 1921ŽFK FruškogoracFK Proleter Novi SadNAK Novi SadKK FMPKK I Came to PlayKK StarKK VojvodinaŽKK Vojvodina 021KK MeridianaKK Novi SadKK Vojvodina SrbijagasŽKK VojvodinaHK Novi SadHK NS StarsHK VojvodinaKKK VojvodinaOK VojvodinaPFL Novi SadRK JugovićRK VojvodinaSD VojvodinaVK Danubius 1885VK DunavVK VojvodinaDDOR Novi SadErste Bank Novi SadOTP Banka SrbijaMetals-bankaRBA bankVojvođanska bankaDnevnikMagyar SzóGrađanski listHard MetalMatijevićNovi Sad BrewerySwisslion GroupUniverexportNaftna Industrija SrbijeSrbijagasColor Press GroupEipix EntertainmentSchneider ElectricNeobusTransportationJGSP Novi SadNovi Sad railway stationTrams in Novi SadPan-European Corridor XLiberty BridgeVaradin BridgeŽeželj BridgeBeška BridgeHagen BridgePrince Andrew BridgePotiorek BridgePrince Tomislav BridgeBoško Perošević BridgeNovi Sad AirfieldPort of Novi SadPan-European Corridor VIINovi Sad FairZmaj Children GamesFestival of Street MusiciansCinema CityNovi Sad Jazz FestivalSterijino pozorjeInternational Novi Sad Literature FestivalSerbia Fashion WeekNovi Sad PrideBook TalkYugoslav Art Exhibitions