[10] Established on 1 August 1999, Convergence for Democracy was founded by civil society activists and former Institutional Revolutionary Party members, advocating for a social market economy and democratic reforms to increase citizen participation in governance.Following the Federal Electoral Tribunal's rejection of requests for a recount, the alliance's constituent parties coalesced to form a legislative coalition known as the Broad Progressive Front.The tenure of Felipe Calderón significantly reshaped the political landscape, marked by the initiation of the Mexican drug war and the 2007–2008 financial crisis in Mexico.Convergence adopted a more assertive stance toward the implementation of a social market economy, as the party claimed that the financial crisis was caused by a lack of regulatory oversight by the state.The party also called for an end to the drug war, deeming it a failed endeavor that tarnished the military's public image and contributed to the erosion of human rights in the country.[15][16][17] As part of its digital electoral strategy, Citizens' Movement utilized the viral music video "Movimiento Naranja – Yuawi," amassing over 54 million views on YouTube by the time of the election.The party placed a heavy focus on the environment, sustainable mobility, and a green economy, proposing constitutuional amendments that would assign the government the responsibility of mitigating climate change.
Jorge Álvarez Máynez, the party's first own presidential candidate