Chargé d'affaires

In unusual situations, in cases where disputes between the two countries make it impossible or undesirable to send agents of a higher diplomatic rank, a chargé d'affaires may be appointed for an indefinite period.It is usual to appoint a minister-counsellor, counsellor, or embassy secretary as chargé d'affaires ad interim, and that person is presented to the foreign minister of the receiving state.In addition, a mission may be downgraded from an ambassadorial to a chargé d'affaires level to show displeasure, yet avoid taking the extremely serious step of breaking diplomatic relations.[3] However, there have been rare historical circumstances in which the title chargé d'affaires was in fact employed in a more significant colonial role, as commonly held by a resident.[further explanation needed] In French, chargé d'affaires may be used outside diplomacy to designate an individual with some more or less temporary responsibility for a specific area of business, understood broadly.
Persia 's chargé d'affaires and his wife visiting U.S. President Woodrow Wilson at the White House in May 1913
Persiahis wifeWoodrow WilsonWhite HouseAmbassadorHigh commissionerPermanent representativeNuncioHead of missionDeputy chief of missionMinisterResident ministerPapal legateConsulAttachéMilitary attachéCultural attachéAgricultural attachéScience attachédiplomatchief of missionFrenchgenderinternational lawoutrankeddiplomatic rankminister-counsellordiplomatic credentialsletters of credenceprecedencead hocSaudi ArabiaThailandBlue Diamond AffairHoly SeeTaipeiUnited Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758People's Republic of ChinaBeijingSino-British relationscredentialsRepublic of Cyprusambassadorsrank and precedenceresidentTonkinVietnamresident-generalHigh Commissioner (Commonwealth)Parliamentary Debates (Hansard)Chisholm, HughEncyclopædia BritannicaDiplomacydiplomatsUnited NationsAmbassador-at-largeResident representativeResident commissionerAgent-generalChargé de missionConseiller chargé des investissementsTrade commissionerDiplomatic courierKing's MessengerForeign ministerPlenipotentiaryApostolic nunciatureConsular corpsConsulateDe facto embassyDiplomatic corpsAfrican Diplomatic CorpsDiplomatic missionHigh commissionLegationProtecting powerExclusive mandateCaviarCheckbookCoerciveCommercialCulturalCulinaryDefenceDebt-trapDigitalDollarEconomicEnergyFreelanceFull-spectrumGuerrillaGunboatHostageMedicalMigrationBambooParadiplomacyParleyPilgrimagePing-pongPreventivePublicScienceShuttleStadiumTrack IIWolf warriorAppeasementConsular assistanceConsular immunityDiplomatic accreditationDiplomatic bagDiplomatic cableDiplomatic historyDiplomatic illnessDiplomatic immunityDiplomatic lawDiplomatic serviceDiplomatic uniformProtocolPersona non grataSoft powerExequaturLetter of credenceLetter of protestDevelopment aidAgenciesParliamentary delegationSummitPlenipotentiary ConferenceTwin towns and sister citiesXi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy