Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (TV series)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is an animated television series produced by De Souza Productions, Galaxy Films and Nelvana, which aired on CBS as part of its Saturday morning children's lineup in the United States from 1993 to 1994, lasting for one season of 13 episodes.[4] Set after the year 2627, the series takes place in a post-apocalyptic jungle in the vicinity of the ruins of New York City (now known as "The City in the Sea"); societies have had to re-learn 20th-century technology, lost due to a never-explicitly-stated catastrophe, and have only been partially successful in doing so, though the Mechanics have maintained much "Old World" technology and knowledge.[6] In addition, the series has aired for many years on HBO Family in Latin America, where the episodes can be viewed dubbed in Spanish or in their original English.In 2015, the entire series was made available for free viewing through the Nelvana Retro channel on YouTube,[7] renamed YTV Direct in 2016.[10] Esther Sinclair, UCLA associate professor of psychiatry and bio-behavioral sciences, analyzed the message of the show: "Jack is altruistic, does not have aggressive impulses, resists temptation and is sympathetic toward others.