Boro Baptist Church Association
At present there 18 mission fields in various parts of both within and outside of Assam including some foreign countries where 36 missionaries/evangelists are found to be ministering among various people groups.It is evident that it continues to receive new baptized members from these mission fields and that it plans on sending more workers to those who have not been reached with the Gospel of Christ in various parts of this great land and even beyond.In this regard, BBCA has recently (2016) entered into partnership with UCPI (United Christian Prayer for India) to make mission works more intense.At present there are 35 full-time workers in the Home Mission who are being kept busy ministering 195 churches/ congregations which are clubbed together in six major pastoral service areas.The Association's Boro Baptist Aid & Development, established in 2009, serves as a channel for expressing Christian social concerns and alleviating human needs during times of sicknesses and natural calamities.[1] Boro Baptist Church Association is located at Tukrajhar village of Chirang district, Assam at the foothills of Bhutan which is about 225 km away from the main city Guwahati (3½ hrs.