United Church of Northern India – Presbyterian Synod
It also operates in Assam, Eastern Hills of Darjeeling, Punjab, Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, covering about one third of India.The United Church of Northern India is the founding organization of the General Assembly and Trust Association.The General Assembly and the Trust Association are therefore the agent body of the United Church of Northern India and have an international jurisdiction.[5] In 2013, the Supreme Court of India gave a verdict against the CNI and in favour of the First District Church of Brethren of Gujarat.It was titled Civil Appeal No: 8800–8801 of the 2013 [Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil: Nos: 16575–16576 of 2012) with regard to the properties and assets of United Church of Northern India (UCNI) / United Church of Northern India Trust Association (UCNITA)/ COEMAR, etc.