
Though Apollo was referred to as Boedromios by the Boeotians as well as other Greeks, the festival was exclusively celebrated by the Athenians.[1] According to Demosthenes, the only classical writer to refer to the festival, it had a military connotation, and thanks the god for his assistance to the Athenians during wars.According to Plutarch, Theseus refused to battle against the Amazons until he had sacrificed to Phobos.However, the Suda and Euripides report that the festival's origins lie in the help either Xuthos or his son Ion granted to the Athenians when they were attacked by Eumolpos during the reign of Erechtheus.Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities edited by William Smith (1870) p.204
Ancient GreekfestivalBoedromionApolloDemosthenesPlutarchTheseusPhobosEuripidesErechtheusArtemisAgroteraAthenian festivalsancient Greece