Before and After (Hogarth)

In each pair, based on the position and appearance of the subjects, the first painting shows the couple before and the second after sexual intercourse.The first version, painted 1730–31, is at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, bequeathed by the merchant banker Arnold John Hugh Smith in 1964.The male protagonist was traditionally identified as John Willes, later Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas.The scenes are also set in a bedroom, with an older man in a wig pulling the young woman towards him, with a dog jumping up and furniture tumbling down.The woman's resistance may be for the sake of appearances rather than a genuine attempt to escape, as she has already discarded her corset, which lies on a chair.
William Hogarth, Before (First Version), 1730-31, Tate Gallery
William Hogarth, After (First Version), 1730-1731
William Hogarthfête galantesexual intercourseFitzwilliam MuseumJ. Paul Getty MuseumJ. Paul GettyJohn Montagu, 2nd Duke of MontaguJohn WillesChief Justice of the Court of Common PleasA Harlot's ProgressFour Times of the DayThe Distrest PoetAristotleevery animal is sad after sexList of works by William HogarthWayback MachineList of worksEmblematical Print on the South Sea SchemeThe Bad Taste of the TownA Just View of the British StageThe Company of UndertakersStrolling Actresses Dressing in a BarnThe Enraged MusicianCharacters and CaricaturasIndustry and IdlenessBeer Street and Gin LaneThe Four Stages of CrueltyColumbus Breaking the EggSatire on False PerspectiveCredulity, Superstition, and FanaticismFive Orders of PeriwigsJohn Wilkes Esq.The Assembly at Wanstead HouseA Rake's ProgressSouthwark FairScene from Shakespeare's The TempestThe Shrimp GirlPortrait of Captain Thomas CoramTaste in High LifeThe Graham ChildrenCaptain Lord George Graham in his CabinDavid Garrick as Richard IIIPainter and his PugThe Gate of CalaisHogarth's ServantsThe March of the Guards to FinchleyHumours of an ElectionSealing the TombHogarth Painting the Comic MuseThe BenchThe Lady's Last StakeSigismunda mourning over the Heart of GuiscardoMarriage A-la-ModeThe Analysis of BeautyLine of beautyHogarth's HouseSarah MalcolmHogarth ClubMary Edwards (Patron)