A Just View of the British Stage

[3] In the print, the production of popularist plays are taken to an extreme by suggesting that the three impresarios are planning a spectacle which combines Dr Faustus with Harlequin Sheppard.[4] To make it more ridiculous "comical humours" are added from Ben Johnson's Ghost and the exploits of "Scaramouch" Jack Hall, who here is depicted as escaping Newgate by lowering himself down the privy.The caption mocks the players further suggesting that in the conclusion to the play the three men will perform the "Hay Dance" while suspended from ropes hanging from the painted depiction of the nine muses above, and concludes: "The Bricks, Rubbish &c will be real, but the Excrements upon Jack Hall will be made of Chew'd Gingerbread to prevent Offense".On the model privy pages from Shakespeare's Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Hamlet and Congreve's The Way of Ye World hang as toilet paper.Wilks (to the left of the picture) declares "Poor R—ch, Faith I pitty him" as he sits dangling a puppet of Mr. Punch, a none-too subtle suggestion that he exceeds Rich in his desire to pander to the lowest denominator.
William HogarthMasquerades and OperasJohn ThurmondJack SheppardTheatre Royal, Drury LaneColley CibberBarton BoothRobert WilksDr FaustusBen Johnson's GhostNewgateThe Newgate CalendarShakespeareMacbethJulius CaesarHamletCongreve'sThe Way of Ye WorldMr. PunchJohn GayThe What D'Ye Call ItList of works by William HogarthCambridge University PressHogarth, WilliamJ.B. Nichols and SonPaulson, RonaldThe Lutterworth PressList of worksEmblematical Print on the South Sea SchemeThe Bad Taste of the TownBefore and AfterThe Company of UndertakersStrolling Actresses Dressing in a BarnThe Distrest PoetThe Enraged MusicianCharacters and CaricaturasIndustry and IdlenessBeer Street and Gin LaneThe Four Stages of CrueltyColumbus Breaking the EggSatire on False PerspectiveCredulity, Superstition, and FanaticismFive Orders of PeriwigsJohn Wilkes Esq.The Assembly at Wanstead HouseA Harlot's ProgressA Rake's ProgressSouthwark FairScene from Shakespeare's The TempestFour Times of the DayThe Shrimp GirlPortrait of Captain Thomas CoramTaste in High LifeThe Graham ChildrenCaptain Lord George Graham in his CabinDavid Garrick as Richard IIIPainter and his PugThe Gate of CalaisHogarth's ServantsThe March of the Guards to FinchleyHumours of an ElectionSealing the TombHogarth Painting the Comic MuseThe BenchThe Lady's Last StakeSigismunda mourning over the Heart of GuiscardoMarriage A-la-ModeThe Analysis of BeautyLine of beautyHogarth's HouseSarah MalcolmHogarth ClubMary Edwards (Patron)