Confessional Baptist Association

Four months later on March 11, 1997, the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America was founded in Mesa, Arizona.[citation needed] The association's churches all subscribe to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith."[9] ARBCA originally founded the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (IRBS) at Westminster Seminary California which provides training for seminarians as part of studies toward a Master of Divinity degree program.[4][10] The seminary is now located on the campus of Heritage Baptist Church in Mansfield, Texas and maintains a relationship with the CBA and other organizations.[4] ARBCA was recognized by the U.S. Department of Defense as an endorsing agency for United States military chaplains.
BaptistsChristianityProtestantismPuritanismAnabaptismBaptist beliefsConfessionsBelievers' ChurchPriesthood of all believersIndividual soul libertySeparation of church and stateSola scripturaCongregationalismOrdinancesOfficesFreedom of religionList of BaptistsJohn SmythThomas HelwysThomas GranthamRoger WilliamsJohn ClarkeJohn BunyanShubal StearnsAndrew FullerCharles SpurgeonJames Robinson GravesWilliam Bullein JohnsonWilliam CareyLuther RiceJohn GillJames P BoyceBaptist denominationsBaptist World AllianceReformed ChristianityReformation WallWilliam FarelJohn CalvinTheodore BezaJohn KnoxReformationTheology of John CalvinCovenant theologyRepublication of the Covenant of WorksBaptist Covenant TheologyLogical order of God's decreesBaptismLord's SupperRegulative principlePredestinationScholasticismGeneva BibleHelvetic ConfessionsFrench ConfessionThree Forms of UnityBelgic ConfessionHeidelberg CatechismCanons of DortScots ConfessionWestminster StandardsWestminster Confession of FaithWestminster Shorter CatechismWestminster Larger CatechismBarmen DeclarationInstitutes of the Christian ReligionSystematic theologyMetrical psalterHuldrych ZwingliJohannes OecolampadiusMartin BucerPeter Martyr VermigliHeinrich BullingerZacharias UrsinusWilliam PerkinsFranciscus GomarusWilliam TwisseMoses AmyrautSamuel RutherfordJohn OwenFrancis TurretinRichard BaxterJonathan EdwardsFriedrich SchleiermacherPhilip SchaffJohn NevinCharles HodgeAbraham KuyperHerman BavinckB. B. WarfieldJohn MachenGeerhardus VosKarl BarthH. Richard NiebuhrReinhold NiebuhrCornelius Van TilT. F. TorranceJürgen MoltmannJ. I. PackerDonald G. BloeschMichael Horton DenominationsContinental ReformedPresbyterianSouth KoreaUnited StatesCongregationalReformed BaptistAnglicanAfrikanersAmyraldiansFederal VisionHuguenotsMarrow BrethrenMercersburg theologyNeonomiansNeo-CalvinismNew England theologyNew CalvinismPilgrimsPrinceton theologyPuritansWorld Communion of Reformed ChurchesWorld Reformed FellowshipInternational Conference of Reformed ChurchesNorth American Presbyterian and Reformed CouncilMansfield, TexasFayetteville, GeorgiaMesa, ArizonaAngier, North Carolina1689 Baptist Confession of FaithPuritanWestminster Seminary CaliforniaMaster of DivinitymissionsU.S. Department of Defensemilitary chaplainsBelton, TexasGeorgetown, TexasHandbook of denominations in the United StatesBrackney, William H.DenominationsBaptists in the United StatesAlliance of BaptistsAmerican Baptist AssociationAmerican Baptist Churches USAAssociation of Reformed Baptist Churches of AmericaBaptist Bible Fellowship InternationalBaptist General Association of VirginiaBaptist General Convention of TexasBaptist Missionary Association of AmericaCentral Baptist AssociationChristian Baptist Church of GodChurch of Christ, InstrumentalContinental Baptist ChurchesConvergeCooperative Baptist FellowshipDistrict of Columbia Baptist ConventionFellowship of Independent Reformed EvangelicalsFoundations Baptist Fellowship InternationalFree Will Baptist ChurchFull Gospel Baptist Church FellowshipFundamental Baptist Fellowship AssociationGeneral Association of BaptistsGeneral Association of General BaptistsGeneral Association of Regular Baptist ChurchesGeneral Six-Principle BaptistsIndependent BaptistIndependent Baptist Church of AmericaIndependent Baptist Fellowship InternationalIndependent Baptist Fellowship of North AmericaInstitutional Missionary Baptist Conference of AmericaLiberty Baptist FellowshipNational Association of Free Will BaptistsNational Baptist Convention of America, Inc.National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.National Baptist Evangelical Life and Soul Saving Assembly of the U.S.A.National Missionary Baptist Convention of AmericaNational Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A.New England Evangelical Baptist FellowshipNorth American Baptist ConferenceNorthern Baptist ConventionOld Regular BaptistsOld Time Missionary BaptistOriginal Free Will Baptist ConventionPentecostal Free Will Baptist ChurchPrimitive Baptist Conference of New Brunswick, Maine and Nova ScotiaPrimitive Baptist UniversalistProgressive National Baptist ConventionSeparate Baptists in ChristSilver Bluff Baptist ChurchSouthern Baptist ConventionSouthwide Baptist FellowshipSovereign Grace BaptistsTransformation MinistriesTriennial ConventionTwo-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian BaptistsUnion BaptistsUnited American Free Will Baptist ChurchUnited American Free Will Baptist ConferenceVenture Church NetworkWisconsin Fellowship of Baptist ChurchesWorld Baptist FellowshipAll baptist denominationsReformedMain articleUnitedUnited Church of ChristContinentalReformedAlliance of Reformed ChurchesCanadian and American Reformed ChurchesChristian Reformed Church in North AmericaFree Reformed Churches of North AmericaHeritage Reformed CongregationsNetherlands Reformed CongregationsProtestant Reformed Churches in AmericaReformed Church in AmericaReformed Congregations in North AmericaUnited Reformed Churches in North AmericaReformed Church in the United StatesFrenchHuguenot ChurchHungarianCalvin Synod (United Church of Christ)Hungarian Reformed Church in AmericaAssociate Reformed Presbyterian ChurchCovenant Presbyterian ChurchCumberland Presbyterian ChurchEvangelical Presbyterian ChurchPresbyterian Church in AmericaPresbyterian Church (USA)Reformed Presbyterian Church General AssemblyReformed Presbyterian Church – Hanover PresbyteryUpper Cumberland Presbyterian ChurchVanguard Presbyterian ChurchFundamentalistBible Presbyterian ChurchOrthodox Presbyterian ChurchCumberland Presbyterian Church in AmericaFree Church of ScotlandFree Church of Scotland (Continuing)Free Presbyterian Church of North AmericaReformed Presbyterian Church of North AmericaEvangelical Assembly of Presbyterian Churches in AmericaKorean American Presbyterian ChurchKorean Evangelical Presbyterian Church in AmericaKorean Presbyterian Church AbroadKorean Presbyterian Church in America (Kosin)Presbyterian Church in Korea (Koshin)CongregationalistConservative Congregational Christian ConferenceEvangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Christian ChurchesNational Association of Congregational Christian ChurchesBaptistFounders MinistriesReformed Anglican ChurchActs 29 NetworkSovereign Grace ChurchesCommunion of Reformed Evangelical ChurchesAll Reformed denominationsLutheranGerman ReformedRestorationistNAPARCFundamentalist–modernist controversyScotland