Arnaldus de Villa Nova

He is credited with translating a number of medical texts from Arabic, including works by Ibn Sina Avicenna, Abu-l-Salt, and Galen.[1] Arnaldus' place and date of birth are debated: some historians believe he was born in Villeneuve-lès-Maguelone, a village near Montpellier; others are doubtful, because there are also towns of the same name in Aragon such as Villanueva de Jiloca, in the Kingdom of Valencia, in Catalonia, in Languedoc, or in the Provence.He sought refuge from the Inquisition at the court of Frederick III in Sicily, and was later called to Avignon as a doctor for pope Clement V.[2] He is certainly behind the papal bull of 8 September 1309, which required of medical students knowledge of some fifteen Greco-Arabic treatises, including ones by Galen and Avicenna.Many alchemical writings, including Rosarius Philosophorum, Novum Lumen, or Flos Florum, are also ascribed to him, but they are not authentic.[3] He is also the reputed author of important medical works, such as Speculum medicinae and Regimen sanitatis ad regem Aragonum, but many others, such as Breviarium Practicae, were falsely attributed to him.
Generic portrait of Arnald[us] de villa noua , woodcut from the Nuremberg Chronicle , 1493
Thesoro de los pobres (1584).
physicianArabicIbn SinaNuremberg ChronicleVilleneuve-lès-MagueloneMontpellierAragonVillanueva de JilocaKingdom of ValenciaCataloniaLanguedocProvenceBalearic IslandsPeter III of AragonBarcelonaalcoholJoachim of FioreAntichristUniversity of ParisBoniface VIIIBenedict XISorbonneJames IISicilyInquisitionFrederick IIIAvignonClement Vpapal bullAvicennaPope Clement VTarragonaCarthusianmonastery of Scala DeialchemistOuroborosastrologerSymphorianus CampegiusChristianityCatalanBrazen HeadLatin translations of the 12th centuryLitmusWayback Machinepublic domainChisholm, HughEncyclopædia BritannicaDictionary of Scientific BiographyAlchemy (general)AlchemistsAgathodaemon (legendary)Chymespseudo-Cleopatrapseudo-DemocritusHermes Trismegistus (legendary)Mary the Jewesspseudo-MosesOstanes (legendary)Paphnutia the VirginZosimos of PanopolisAncient ChineseFang (alchemist)Ge HongMaster GengWei Boyangpseudo-OlympiodorusStephanus of AlexandriaSynesiusArabic-IslamicAbū Bakr al-Rāzī (Rhazes)Alphidiuspseudo-Apollonius of Tyana (Balīnūs/Balīnās)Artephiuspseudo-AvicennaIbn Arfaʿ RaʾsIbn Umayl (Senior Zadith)Ibn Waḥshiyyaal-ʿIrāqīJābir ibn Ḥayyān (Geber)pseudo-Khālid ibn Yazīd (Calid)al-JildakīMaslama al-Qurṭubīal-Ṭughrāʾīal-Zahrāwī (Abulcasis)pseudo-Albertuspseudo-GeberGeorge RipleyGuido di MontanorHugh of EveshamJohann of LazJohn DastinJohn of Rupescissa (Jean de Roquetaillade)Magister Salernuspseudo-Michael ScotOrtolanusPaul of TarantoPetrus Bonuspseudo-Ramon Llull(pseudo-)Roger BaconTaddeo AlderottiThomas NortonAndreas LibaviusBasil Valentinepseudo-Bernard of TrevisoGeorge Starkey (Eirenaeus Philalethes)Gerhard DornGiovanni da CorreggioHeinrich KhunrathHennig BrandIsaac NewtonJakob BöhmeJan Baptist van HelmontJohann Rudolf GlauberJohn DeeMichael MaierMichael SendivogiusParacelsusPierre-Jean FabreRobert BoyleSamuel NortonThomas Vaughan (Eugenius Philalethes)Wilhelm HombergEugène CanselietFrater AlbertusFulcanelliMary Anne AtwoodAtalanta fugiensAurora consurgensLiber de compositione alchemiae (Morienus)Book of the Silvery Water and the Starry EarthBook of MercyBooks of the BalancesBuch der heiligen DreifaltigkeitCantong QiChymical Wedding of Christian RosenkreutzClavis sapientiae (Miftāḥ al-ḥikma)De consideratione quintae essentiaeEmerald Tablet (Tabula Smaragdina)Leyden papyrus XLiber Hermetis de alchemia (Liber dabessi)Liber igniumLiber lucisMappae claviculaMirror of AlchimyMutus liberNabataean AgricultureOrdinal of AlchemyPapyrus Graecus HolmiensisPhysika kai mystikaRosary of the PhilosophersRutbat al-ḥakīm (Step of the Sage)Seventy BooksSirr al-khalīqa (Secret of Creation)Sirr al-asrār (pseudo-Aristotle)Sirr al-asrār (al-Rāzī)Splendor solisSumma perfectionisSuspicions about the Hidden Realities of the AirTurba philosophorumTwelve Keys of Basil ValentineBibliotheca chemica curiosaDe alchemiaDeutsches Theatrum ChemicumFasciculus chemicusMusaeum HermeticumTheatrum chemicumTheatrum chemicum BritannicumTripus aureusAlembicAlkahestAthanorChrysopoeiaElementDigestionElixir of lifeHomunculusIatrochemistryIn art/entertainmentMagnum opusPill of ImmortalityPhilosophers' stonePrima materiaSpagyricTakwinYliasterSubstancesSymbolsUnicodeSuns in alchemy