[5] By 1910 the locomotive works and sidings had been considerably expanded, and by the mid 1920s the housing estate of Anlaby Park had been built (begun 1911 as a private development on the grounds of Spring Villa,[6][map 4] as well as the Almhouses Lee's Rest Houses;[map 5][7] to the east, the former East Ella house had been redeveloped as part of the White City Pleasure Grounds, with additional buildings including dance and concert halls.[8] Temporary housing was constructed on the grounds in the post Second World War period (Arcon Drive, demolished and redeveloped 1977).[13] A cinema was built on the corner of Calvert Lane and Spring Bank West in 1938, the Priory.[14][15] Further housing development took place on the western part of the area in the second half of the 20th century, with housing development extending south across Hessle common by the 1960s, with Sydney Smith High School built in fields westwards, and south of Anlaby.[16] A high rise at Lindsey Place on the East Ella hall site was completed 1964.