Animals in space

A wide variety of non-human animals have been launched into space, including monkeys and apes, dogs, cats, tortoises, mice, rats, rabbits, fish, frogs, spiders, insects, and quail eggs (which hatched on Mir in 1990).The limited supply of captured German V-2 rockets led to the U.S. use of high-altitude balloon launches carrying fruit flies, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, frogs, goldfish and monkeys to heights of up to 44,000 m (144,000 ft; 27 mi).[1] At least 10 other dogs were launched into orbit and numerous others on sub-orbital flights before the historic date of 12 April 1961, when Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space.On 13 December 1958, a Jupiter IRBM, AM-13, was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, with a United States Navy-trained South American squirrel monkey named Gordo on board.[2] On 19 August 1960 the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 5 (also known as Korabl-Sputnik 2) which carried the dogs Belka and Strelka, along with a gray rabbit, 40 mice, 2 rats, and 15 flasks of fruit flies and plants.[11] One of Strelka's pups, Pushinka, bred and born after her mission, was given as a present to Caroline Kennedy by Nikita Khrushchev in 1961, and many descendants are known to exist.On 9 March 1961 the Soviet Union launched the Korabl-Sputnik 4 that carried a dog named Chernushka, some mice, frogs and, for the first time into space, a guinea pig.[20] During the Voskhod program, two Soviet space dogs, Veterok (Ветерок, Little Wind) and Ugolyok (Уголёк, Blackie), were launched on 22 February 1966, on board Cosmos 110 and spent 22 days in orbit before landing on 16 March.Bonny's health deteriorated rapidly and he was returned to Earth on 7 July,[25] but died the next day after the Biosatellite capsule was recovered in the Pacific Ocean.Two bullfrogs were launched on a one-way mission on the Orbiting Frog Otolith satellite on 9 November 1970, to understand more about space motion sickness.Apollo 17, launched on 7 December 1972, carried five pocket mice, Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, and Phooey, who stayed in the command module with astronaut Ronald Evans as it circled the Moon for six days.Bion flights also flew zebra danio, fruit flies, rats, stick insect eggs and the first newts in space.The Foton program flights carried dormant brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana), newts, fruit flies, and sand desert beetles (Trigonoscelis gigas).In 1994, four Japanese rice fish successfully mated and laid eggs that hatched to produce healthy fry aboard STS-65, making them the first animals to conceive and bear offspring in space.The last flight of Columbia in 2003 carried silkworms, garden orb spiders, carpenter bees, harvester ants, and Japanese killifish (medaka).On 12 July 2006, Bigelow Aerospace launched their Genesis I inflatable space module, containing many small items such as toys and simple experiments chosen by company employees that would be observed via camera.Included were Madagascar hissing cockroaches and Mexican jumping beans — seeds containing live larvae of the moth Cydia saltitans.This spacecraft also carried Madagascar hissing cockroaches and added South African flat rock scorpions (Hadogenes troglodytes) and seed-harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex californicus).Upon analyzing the images, a wildlife expert who provided support to the center said it likely had a broken left wing and some problem with its right shoulder or wrist.[40] In November 2009, STS-129 took painted lady and monarch butterfly larvae into space for a school experiment as well as thousands of C. elegans roundworms for long-term weight loss studies.On 28 January 2013, Iranian news agencies reported that Iran sent a monkey in a "Pishgam" rocket to a height of 116 km (72 mi) and retrieved a "shipment".[52] On 24 July 2014, it was announced that Russia had lost control of the Foton-M4 satellite, leaving only two months to restore contact before the geckos' food supply was exhausted.[56] On 14 April 2015, the SpaceX CRS-6 delivered 20 C57BL/6NTAC mice to live on the ISS for evaluating microgravity as the extreme opposite of a healthy active lifestyle."Although, we're not out to treat couch potatoes," states head Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research (NIBR) scientist on the project Dr. Sam Cadena, "we're hoping that these experiments will help us to better understand muscle loss in populations where physical activity in any form is not an option; e.g., in the frail elderly or those subjected to bed rest or immobilization due to surgery or chronic disease.Their record-breaking journey – this was the longest mice have been off the planet – was part of a study on how Earth-dwellers' physiology and sleep schedules responded to the stress of being in space.[60] The experiment includes six types of organisms:[61][62] cottonseed, potato, rapeseed, Arabidopsis thaliana (a flowering plant), as well as yeast and fruit fly eggs.
Miss Baker , a squirrel monkey , rode a Jupiter IRBM (scale model of rocket shown) into space in 1959.
Rocket taking off behind barn
V2 launch No. 47 carried the first mammal, a rhesus monkey named Albert II , into space on June 14, 1949.
Animals In Rocket Flight , a 1953 US Air Force film featuring two mice and two monkeys in a 37-mile high subspace flight
During the 29 November 1961, NASA Mercury-Atlas 5 flight, Enos became the only chimpanzee, and third primate, to orbit the Earth.
Ham , the first great ape in space, being given a physical examination in 1961
Miss Bakersquirrel monkeyJupiter IRBMFirst animals in space (fruit flies)First primate and first mammal in spaceFirst dogs in spaceFirst animal in orbitFirst animals to survive Earth orbitFirst ape in spaceFirst guinea pig in spaceFirst cat in spaceFirst animals in deep space and to circle the MoonFirst frogs in spaceFirst fish in spaceFirst spiders in spacesurvivabilityspaceflighthuman spaceflightsmicrogravityBioastronauticsbioengineeringmonkeys and apesfruit flies surviving a 1947 flightSoviet space programmultiple dogs into spacesub-orbitalorbital flightsZond 5Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum, and Phooeycommand module AmericaApollo 17Montgolfier brothershot air balloonexperimental controlhigh-altitude balloonradiation exposurerhesus monkeyAlbert IIfirst animals sent into spacefruit fliesV-2 rocketWhite Sands Missile RangeNew Mexico international 100 kmfirst monkeyAlbert IanesthesiaTsygan Russianspace dogsSputnik 2numerous othersYuri GagarinCape CanaveralUnited States NavyTelemetryMonkeysU.S. Space and Rocket CenterHuntsville, AlabamaLittle Joe 2Project MercuryMercury-Atlas 5Sputnik 5Belka and StrelkaCaroline KennedyNikita KhrushchevMercuryRedstone rocketgreat apeMercury-Redstone 2Alan ShepardJohn GlennKorabl-Sputnik 4guinea pigFélicetteStrasbourgVoskhod programCosmos 110Soyuz 11parasitic waspsflour beetlesbacteriaamoebaetortoisesHorsfield's tortoisescircumlunar voyagewine fliesmeal wormsZond 6Apollo 8Zond 7Apollo 11Biosatellite 3cai monkeyCanopus IIspider web built in spaceSkylab 3bullfrogsOrbiting Frog Otolith satelliteApollo 16nematodespocket miceRonald Evansmummichogspidersgarden spidersArabella and AnitaApollo–SoyuzBion programSoyuz 20Salyut 5zebra daniosquirrel monkeysSpacelab 3Space Shuttlestick insectBion 7Pleurodeles waltlregenerationSpace Shuttle Challenger disasterchickenSTS-29Donald ThomasColumbia1994 missionFoton programbrine shrimpArtemia franciscanaguinea pigsToyohiro AkiyamaJapanese tree frogsSpace Flyer Unitcricketssnailsmedakaoyster toadfishsea urchinsswordtail fishspongy mothArtemia salinajellyfishSpace Shuttleslast flight of Columbia in 2003silkwormsgarden orb spiderscarpenter beesharvester antsJapanese killifishC. elegansSpace Shuttle Columbia disasterInternational Space StationBigelow AerospaceGenesis IMadagascar hissing cockroachesMexican jumping beansCydia saltitansGenesis IIHadogenes troglodytesseed-harvester antsEuropean Space AgencyFOTON-M3tardigradesSTS-119free-tailed batSTS-129painted ladymonarch butterflyEndeavourSTS-134golden orb spidersLiving Interplanetary Flight ExperimentFobos-GruntSoyuz TMA-06MKibo modulePishgamturtlesKavoshgar 3pavement antsgold dust day geckosSpaceX CRS-4Rodent Research Hardware SystemSpaceX CRS-6C57BL/6NTACSpaceX CRS-8muscleSpaceX DragonChang'e 4cottonseedrapeseedArabidopsis thalianafruit flyphotosynthesisBeresheetsurvive on the lunar surfaceSpaceX CRS-22Hawaiian bobtail squidAlice King ChathamFélix IList of microorganisms tested in outer spaceList of species that have landed on the MoonModel organismMonkeys and apes in spaceParachuting animalsPlants in spaceSoviet space dogsTardigrades on the MoonArs TechnicaWayback Machinearchive.todayBurgess, ColinUnited Press InternationalBibcodeLloyd Mallan... in spaceThe human bodyHygieneLocomotionMedicineNeurosciencePsychologyPsychological and sociological effectsCockroachesPrimatesExtraterrestrial lifeMicroorganismsPlantsAstrobotanyEnvironmentClimateCorrosionDebrisMagnetosphereWeatherWeatheringAdvertisingAlcoholof Earthof items in spaceBurialColonizationEconomyMiningEthicsExplorationMilitaryReligionChristmasSelfiesTourismVotingTechnologyHuman spaceflightAccidentsArchitectureFarmingCarbonated drinksToiletsWritingLogisticsManufacturingBatteriesNuclearfor Earthfor spacecraftTelescopesWeaponsAstrodynamicsHistoryTimelineSpace RaceRecordsAccidents and incidentsSpace launchSpace policyEuropean UnionNorth KoreaSouth KoreaRussiaSoviet UnionUnited StatesSpace lawOuter Space TreatyRescue AgreementSpace Liability ConventionRegistration ConventionMoon TreatySpace warfareSpace commandSpace forceMilitarisation of spacePrivate spaceflightBillionaire space raceApplicationsAstronomyEarth observationArchaeologyImagery and mappingReconnaissanceWeather and environment monitoringCommunications satelliteInternetTelephoneTelevisionSatellite navigationCommercial use of spaceSpace launch market competitionSpace architectureSpace explorationSpace researchSpace technologySpace weatherAstronautcommercialLife-support systemSpace suitExtravehicular activityOverview effectWeightlessnessSpace toiletSpace tourismSpace colonizationSpace divingVostokVoskhodGeminiApolloSkylabShuttle–MirShenzhouTiangongNew ShepardArtemisEffect of spaceflight on the human bodySpace adaptation syndromeHealth threat from cosmic raysSpace psychologySpace and survivalSpace medicineSpace nursingSpace sexologySpacecraftLaunch vehicleRocketSpace capsuleOrbital moduleReentry capsuleService moduleSpaceplaneRobotic spacecraftSatelliteSpace probeLanderSelf-replicating spacecraftSpace telescopeSpacecraft propulsionRocket engineElectric propulsionSolar sailGravity assistOrbitalGeocentricGeosynchronousInterplanetaryInterstellarIntergalacticDirect ascentEscape velocityExpendablereusable launch systemsLaunch padNon-rocket spacelaunchSpaceportGround segmentFlight controllerGround stationMission control center