Ahafo Region

Under this administration system, the region is divided into six MMDA's (made up of 0 Metropolitan, 3 Municipal and 3 Ordinary Assemblies).Gold deposit abounds in large quantities in Mim, Kenyasi and Yamfo zones.Notable among the timber companies in the region are Ayum Forest Products Co. Ltd,[14] Exbo wood Co. Ltd, Ocean-wood Co. Ltd,[15] Supremo-wood processing Co LTD, all in Mim, Ahafo.The Ahafo Region is part of the forest belt of Ghana and has a vegetation consists predominantly of fertile soil, grassland, especially savanna with clusters of drought-resistant trees such as baobabs or acacias.The wet season is between about July and November with an average annual rainfall of 750 to 1050 mm (30 to 40 inches).
RegionMim, AhafoGeorge Yaw BoakyeRanked 16thGDP (PPP)GDP (Nominal)Time zoneArea codeBrong Ahafo RegionGhanaian general electionNana Akufo-AddoMinistry of Regional Reorganization and DevelopmentHon. Dan BotweGovernment of GhanaCouncil of StatereferendumMajor TownsSettlementBechemDuayaw NkwantaTechimantiaKenyasiHwidiemAsunafo NorthEvans Bobie OpokuAsunafo SouthKukuomEric OpokuAsutifi NorthPatrick BanorAsutifi SouthCollins DaudaTano NorthFreda PrempehTano SouthBenjamin Yeboah Sekyerecash cropfood cropsPlantainCassava SankoreKwadwo AddaikromDiamondsTimbercashewMim BourMim LakeborderedBono regionAshanti RegionWestern North Regionsavannabaobabsacaciasdry seasonwet seasonHarmattanWestern NorthRegions of GhanaAshantiBono EastCentralEasternGreater AccraNorthernNorth EastSavanahUpper EastUpper WestWesternDistrictsCapitalsAsunafo North MunicipalTano North MunicipalTano South Municipal