Upper West Region

The Upper West was created by the then Head of State, Jerry Rawlings in 1983 under the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC) military regime.The Gwollu Wall in the Sissala District serves as the hometown of one of Ghana's past presidents - Dr. Hilla Limann.[8] The staple food of the people of the Upper West Region is sao or Tuo Zaafi in the local dialect, which is often abbreviated TZ or T-Zed in English.Crops grown include corn, millet, peanuts, okra, shea tree, and rice.Under this administration system, the region is divided into 11 MMDA's (made up of 0 Metropolitan, 5 Municipal and 6 Ordinary Assemblies).
Districts of the Upper West Region
RegionRegional MinisterRanked 7thGDP (PPP)GDP (Nominal)Time zoneArea codeISO 3166 codeborderedUpper East RegionNorthern RegionBurkina FasosettlementJerry RawlingsProvisional National Defence CouncilNana Addo Dankwa Akufo-AddoHippopotamusBlack Volta RiverGwolluSissala DistrictpresidentsHilla Limannagriculturemilletpeanutsshea treechickensguinea fowlWa Technical UniversityDaffiama-Bussie-IssaJirapaLambussie-KarniLambussieNadowli-KaleoNadowliNandomSissala EastSissala WestWa EastWa MunicipalWa WestWechiauDr. Hilla LimannPeter Poreku DeryPeter NanfuriKwesi NyantakyiSaminiWiyaalaBenjamin KunbuorAlban Sumana Kingsford BagbinAmbrose DerySimon Diedong DomboJustice Yonni KulendiHon.Dr.Rashid PelpuoDamba FestivalDumba FestivalKobine FestivalUpper EastNorthernRegions of GhanaAshantiBono EastCentralEasternGreater AccraNorth EastSavanahWesternWestern NorthDistrictsCapitalsJirapa MunicipalLawra MunicipalNandom MunicipalSissala East Municipal