944 Hidalgo

944 Hidalgo /hɪˈdælɡoʊ/ is a centaur and unusual object on an eccentric, cometary-like orbit between the asteroid belt and the outer Solar System, approximately 52 kilometers (32 miles) in diameter.German astronomers who were in Mexico to observe a total eclipse on 10 September 1923 had an audience with President Álvaro Obregón.[4] The Minor Planet Center classifies it both as main-belt asteroid and unusual object due to an orbital eccentricity higher than 0.5.[7][8] The prominent JPL Small-Body Database currently gives a diameter of 38 kilometers taken from the publication Hazards due to Comets and Asteroids (Tom Gehrels, 1994).[6] In the late 1990s, a network of astronomers worldwide gathered lightcurve data that was ultimately used to derive the spin states and shape models of 10 new asteroids, including Hidalgo.
Orbital diagram of Hidalgo
Very Large TelescopeDiscovered byW. BaadeDiscovery siteBergedorf Obs.MPC designationMiguel Hidalgo y CostillaAlternative designationscentaurmain-beltunusualSymbolOrbital characteristicsUncertainty parameterObservation arcAphelionPerihelionSemi-major axisEccentricityOrbital period (sidereal)Mean motionInclinationLongitude of ascending nodeArgument of perihelionTJupiterPhysical characteristicsMean diameterSynodic rotation periodGeometric albedoSpectral typeTholenunusual objectcometaryasteroid beltouter Solar SystemWalter BaadecentaursD-type objectrotation perioddiscoveredBergedorf ObservatoryMexican War of IndependenceMexicoeclipse10 September 1923PresidentÁlvaro ObregónAN 221, 159eclipticJupiterNeptuneasteroidstrans-Neptunian objectsMinor Planet Centermain-belt asteroidorbital eccentricity2060 Chirondistant objectSaturncometsJupiter-Saturn-crosserminimum orbit intersection distanceBus–DeMeo classificationD-type asteroidAkari satelliteNEOWISEWide-field Infrared Survey ExploreralbedoJPL Small-Body DatabaseTom Gehrelscarbonaceous asteroidabsolute magnitudelightcurveRobert A. KoffOxford English DictionaryOxford University PressSpringer Berlin HeidelbergJet Propulsion LaboratoryBibcodeWayback Machine943 Begonia 945 Barcelona