1974 Francistown Wenela Air Services Douglas DC-4 crash

The machine was assembled in 1944 as the military version C-54B at the Douglas Aircraft Company factory in Santa Monica, California, and subsequently delivered to the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF).The company was involved in recruiting migrant workers and owned a fleet of buses and aircraft stationed in all the countries of Southern Africa.Shortly after taking off from Francistown Airport, the aircraft experienced misfires and ignition failures, leading to a continuous descent.The pilots were unable to gain a safe altitude due to these issues, causing the DC-4 to clip treetops and crash to the ground 3 600 meters past the runway's end after a stall.Ground personnel mistakenly filled one of the fuel tanks intended for aviation gasoline (Avgas) with kerosene.
FrancistownDouglas DC-4RegistrationFrancistown AirportChileka AirportBotswanaMalawiDouglas Aircraft CompanySanta MonicaCaliforniaUnited States Army Air ForcesDelta Air LinesSouthern AfricaRhodesiaradial enginesPratt & Whitney R-2000-2SD-13G Twin WaspkeroseneAviation Safety NetworkAviation accidents and incidentsCommonwealth Commuter Flight 317Aeroflot Flight H-75Togo crashTurkish Airlines Flight 301Pan Am Flight 806Delta Airlines Flight 523Turkish Airlines Flight 981Sierra Pacific Airlines Flight 802Sterling Airways Flight 901Court Line Flight 95Pan Am Flight 812Aeroflot Il-18 crashEgyptAir Tupolev Tu-154 crashBritish Airways bombing attemptBuffalo 461Norfolk mid-air collisionTWA Flight 841Eastern Air Lines Flight 212Air Vietnam Flight 706United States Air Force WC-130 disappearancePanarctic Oils Flight 416Lufthansa Flight 540TWA Flight 514Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 6231Martinair Flight 138Avensa Flight 358Air Botswana ATR 42 crashMoremi Air Cessna 208 crashXumabee Game Ranch helicopter crash