Yuka Tsujiyoko

She is best known for her contributions to the Fire Emblem and Paper Mario series, and several other Intelligent Systems developed games.She also scored the Super Scope games Battle Clash, and its sequel Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge.She composed her first original composition when she was in high school as an assignment for her music class.Before she joined Intelligent Systems, Tsujiyoko worked as a computer programmer for a software company.Tsujiyoko was inspired by Pat Metheny and Hirokazu Tanaka, with the latter being her mentor as he scored her first game project, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.
Osaka Electro-Communication UniversityVideo gamevideo game musicFire EmblemPaper MarioIntelligent SystemsSuper ScopeBattle ClashKyoto PrefecturePat MethenyHirokazu TanakaFire Emblem GaidenTetris AttackSuper Famicom WarsSuper Smash Bros. BrawlFire Emblem AwakeningSuper Smash Bros. for Wii UPokémon PicrossFire Emblem FatesFire Emblem HeroesSuper Smash Bros. UltimateSin ChronicleFire Emblem Engagearchive.isMusicBrainzGaidenAwakeningHeroesEngageSuper Paper MarioPushmoCrashmoPushmo WorldStretchmoPuzzle LeaguePokémon Puzzle ChallengeNintendo Puzzle CollectionPlanet Puzzle LeagueD.I.Y.Game & WarioFamicom WarsGame Boy WarsAdvance WarsAlleywayDevil WorldDonkey Kong 3Dragon HopperDragon Quest WarsDuck HuntGalactic PinballHogan's AlleyKaeru no Tame ni Kane wa NaruMario Bros.Mario PaintMetroidSoccerSuper MetroidTennisWild GunmanWrecking CrewYakumanSuper Game BoyGame Boy PlayerShouzou Kaga