Yoram Koren
He studied at Ironi Alef High School in Tel-Aviv and served at the Israeli Air Force as an electronics technician.In 1992, CARMEL won the first Autonomous Mobile Robot Competition sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.[23] Shan and Koren built a 7-link snake; its first link had a camera, and 6 motors were installed at the 6 joints to provide forward motion.Shan and Koren were the first to develop a model of how external objects could affect kinematic constraints on the movement of a snake robot in 1993.[30][32][33] Koren proposed a new manufacturing system architecture that enables producing Market-of-One products at affordable cost.[35] Yoram is married to Alina (MA in literature) who was a lecturer at the University of Michigan, and they have two children: Shlomy and Esther (who died in October 2020).