They are related to the Pima and Papago (Tohono O'odham) of Arizona and northern Sonora, speaking a similar but distinct language.The population in 2010 was officially listed as 851, but this number swells to a few thousand on the holidays when people from small hamlets in the surrounding region congregate in Yepáchic.This road was paved in 1990, resulting in regular bus service and a large amount of commercial trucking between Chihuahua and Hermosillo passing through the Pima region.He wrote that traditional rituals such as Semana Santa [Holy Week] play an important role in inter-ethnic relations.[5][6] Pennington gathered information on use of medicinal plants by the people of Yepáchic[7] Laferrière continued the ethnobotanical work in the area.[12][13][14] Most of the people in Yepáchic are Roman Catholics, practicing an antiquated form of the faith taught to them by missionaries centuries ago.On Good Friday, men carry around the town a platform laden with adobe bricks, along a route that begins and ends at the church.
Decorative flowers made from leaf bases of sotol,
Darylirion wheeleri
, Yepachi, Chihuahua