Xiandai Hanyu Cidian

It was originally edited by Lü Shuxiang and Ding Shengshu as a reference work on modern Standard Mandarin Chinese.[4] The seventh edition contains about 70,000 entries including characters, words and expressions, idiomatic phrases and idioms.[12][13] In the sixth edition, even though it contains a large number of new vocabulary, the word 同志 Tóngzhì ("comrade") which is an informal term for "a homosexual person", was not included in the dictionary.[14] This could be because the term is often construed as a sarcastic reference to the Chinese Communist Party, according to Sociology Professor Ding Xueliang [zh] of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.[14] Some detractors complained that "Entries starting with the Western alphabet" section in the 6th edition allegedly violated the regulation - "Chinese language publications shall comply with the norms and standards of the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese language" in laws such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Standard Spoken and Written Chinese Language [zh] and Publication Control Regulations of the State Council (State Council Act No.
Chinese Academy of Social SciencesCommercial PressForeign Language Teaching and Research Presssimplified Chinesetraditional ChinesepinyindictionaryStandard Mandarin ChineseLü ShuxiangCultural RevolutionPeople's Republic of ChinaHanyu PinyincharactersidiomsCD-ROMsThe First Series of Standardized Forms of Words with Non-standardized Variant FormsChinesecommon ownershipmultiple unitpower cardesignated drivingbackpackerthreadLoanwordsEnglishJapanesesashimitempuratatamidiary/appointment bookGuangdongHong Kongyum chaTaiwanZhuyinhomosexualitypsychological perversionChinese Communist PartyHong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHu JintaoWen JiabaoState CouncilChinese charactersromanization of ChineseDai Kan-Wa JitenHan-Han Dae SajeonHanyu Da ZidianXiandai Hanyu Guifan CidianZhongwen Da CidianPutonghua Proficiency TestChinese Academy of SciencesOxford University PressThe Commercial PressBBC NewsDictionariesShizhoupianCangjiepianJijiupianShuowen JieziShimingGuangyaXiao EryaZiyuanYupianGanlu ZishuLeipianZitongZhengzitongKangxi DictionaryShuowen Jiezi ZhuZhonghua Da ZidianXinhua DictionaryZhonghua ZihaiCiyuanMinistry of Education Mandarin Chinese DictionaryHanyu Da CidianShengleiQieyunKanmiu Buque QieyunTangyunYunhai jingyuanGuangyunYunjingQiyin lüePingshui YunMenggu ZiyunZhongyuan YinyunQi Lin BayinPeiwen YunfuVarietiesFangyanGreat Dictionary of Modern Chinese DialectsJingdian ShiwenYiqiejing Yinyi (Xuanying)Yiqiejing Yinyi (Huilin)Longkan ShoujianZhongguo Renming DacidianBilingualA Dictionary of the Chinese LanguageMedhurst's Chinese and English DictionaryA Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese LanguageA Chinese–English DictionaryThe Five Thousand DictionaryMathews' Chinese–English DictionaryConcise Dictionary of Spoken ChineseGrammata Serica RecensaLin Yutang's Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern UsageABC Chinese–English DictionaryCEDICTPearl in the PalmPentaglot DictionaryLe Grand RicciList of Chinese dictionaries