William Napier (VC)

William Napier was born at Keighley in Yorkshire, England on 20 August 1824, the son of Samuel Slater and his wife Mary (née Hartley).In 1855 William Napier left the England with the 1st Battalion, 13th (1st Somersetshire) (Prince Albert's Light Infantry) Regiment of Foot under General Lord Mark Kerr, G.C.B., and arrived at Balaklava, Crimean peninsula, by sea on 29 June 1855.William described Sevastopol as follows in 1897: The mortality was fearful, but that the losses in battle were not more than one half of those caused by fever, and the hardships of camp life in that rigorous climate.On 30 August 1857, the 1st Battalion under the command of Lord Mark Kerr, embarked at Port Elizabeth (South Africa) at 24 hours' notice, for India, and landed at Calcutta on 3 October 1857.Blinded by the blood pouring down his face, Sergeant Napier continued to fight back until he finally picked up Private Milnes and carried him to safety.William Napier worked as a clerk and then a miner for a short time before he became a cordial manufacturer based in Mackey Street, Rochester, Victoria.
William Napier (disambiguation)KeighleyYorkshireRochester, VictoriaAustraliaBendigoVictoriaUnited KingdomBritish Army13th Regiment of FootCrimean WarIndian MutinyVictoria CrossEnglishBritishCommonwealthEnglandGrenadier Guard (2nd Battalion)Battle of WaterlooWaterloo Medal13th (1st Somersetshire) (Prince Albert's Light Infantry) Regiment of FootGeneral Lord Mark Kerr, G.C.B.BalaklavaCrimeanSevastopolMalakoffCrimea MedalTurkish MedalBattle of the ChernayaMeerutmutiniedPort ElizabethCalcuttaBenaressepoysMelbourneWakefieldSowerbyWestern AustraliaSomerset Military MuseumTauntonSomersetThe London GazetteFind a Grave