Willem Konjore

Reverend Willem Konjore (30 July 1945—11 June 2021) was a Namibian politician.He was a member and a deputy speaker of the National Assembly of Namibia, and served in cabinet from 2005 to 2010.Konjore was born on 30 July 1945 in Kais, a small settlement in what today is the ǁKaras Region.From 1968 to 1990 he worked at several schools, first as teacher in Tses in southern Namibia and later as principal and manager in Khorixas.[2] He was appointed Minister of Environment and Tourism in 2005, and was moved to the Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture portfolio in 2008.
The HonourableReverendMinister of Youth, National Service, Sport and CultureHifikepunye PohambaJohn MutorwaKazenambo KazenamboMinister of Environment and TourismPhilemon MalimaNetumbo Nandi-NdaitwahSouth West AfricaWindhoek, NamibiaNamibianVaalgrasǁKaras Regionclick symbolsKhoekhoe languageNational Assembly of NamibiacabinetDöbraDiocese of KeetmanshoopMarientalKhorixasConstituent Assembly5th National AssemblyYouth, National Service, Sport and CultureHeroes' DayMost Brilliant Order of the Sun, Second ClassWindhoekParliament of NamibiaNew EraRepublikein