Whiteout (comic book)

After Sharpe stops Keller from killing Stetko, the two bring him back to McMurdo, where they realize the first victim is actually another member of the team, Weiss, and the murders were performed to keep the gold found in the snow, hence the holes.Having realized Furry must have falsified the first victim's prints, Stetko and Sharpe check one of the bodies and find it full of gold bars.A third volume in the series, originally advertised as Whiteout: Thaw, was expected to be released as four separate issues beginning in the Fall of 2007.[1] In December 2008, Rucka announced in a forum post that the title was changed to Whiteout: Night and the publication of the series would probably start in the Fall 2009.[2] The book once crossed over with Barry Ween, in a 6-page story done for the Oni Press Summer Vacation Supercolor Fun Special.
PublisherOni PressLimited seriesGreg RuckaSteve LieberLetterer(s)Jamie S. RichBob Schrecktrade paperbackfilm adaptationUS MarshalMcMurdo StationAntarcticaVictoriafrostbitehypothermiaamputateSouth Pole stationBarry WeenJudd Winickdeath raytrade paperbacksEisner AwardsComics Buyer's GuideWhiteout (2009 film)Dominic SenaKate BeckinsaleGabriel MachtComic Book ResourcesFrankenhoff, BrentKrause PublicationsGrand Comics DatabaseLion Forge ComicsPublicationsThe Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy GeniusAggretsukoThe ApocalipstixBad BoyBlue MondayThe BunkerThe Coldest CityThe Coldest WinterCourtney CrumrinThe DamnedFortune and GloryFrumpy the ClownHopeless SavagesJingle BelleKaijumaxThe Leading ManLost at SeaLove as a Foreign LanguageMadmanMaria's WeddingThe MarquisNocturnalsOnce in a Blue MoonOne Bad DayPolly and the PiratesQueen & CountryA Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & DisabilityScooter GirlSharknifeSideScrollersThe Sixth GunSpace Battle LunchtimeStumptownTek JansenThree Days in EuropeThe TombWastelandWet MoonView AskewniverseClerks.Jay and Silent BobScott PilgrimPrecious Little Lifevs. the WorldGets It TogetherRick and MortyHead-SpaceRick Revenge SquadPresentsvs. Dungeons & DragonsPainscapeNacelleVerseBiker Mice from MarsRoboForceSectaurs: Warriors of SymbionSesame StreetOni PressEntertainmentWhiteoutScott Pilgrim vs. the WorldAtomic BlondeExtractionExtraction 2Scott Pilgrim Takes Off