Western oriole
[3] The adult upperparts are yellow-olive in colour; the head to upper breast is black, and the periphery of the wings has a small white patch.[4] It has a variety of fluty vocalizations such as uoo-uoo, uoo-dleeo, tioolioo, whee-whooliu, whoolioo, and too-too-tuloo which normally have detached notes, and are lower pitched than those of the black-winged oriole (Oriolus nigripennis).[4] The western oriole is native to the rainforests of Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Benin, and Ghana.This is because it has a very large range and because its population is thought not to have declined by 30% over ten years or three generations.Although the population size has not been measured, it is thought to be more than the threshold required to warrant it a vulnerable rating.