Web science

"[5] A central pillar of Web science development is Artificial Intelligence or "AI".It argues that unlike the technologies that have come before it, the Web is different in that its phenomenal growth and complexity are starting to outstrip our capability to control it directly, making it impossible for us to grasp its completeness in one go.[19][20][21][22] These groups focus on the developmental possibilities, provided through Web Science, in areas such as health care and social welfare.The World Wide Web is quickly evolving meaning that the information we provide and its formatting must also.The accessibility of the internet and quick development of knowledge must be companied with efficient formatting to allocate successful dissemination of information, as described by these various researcher groups.
Human behavior co-constituting the web.
interdisciplinaryWorld Wide Websociologycomputer scienceeconomicsmathematicsBen ShneidermanInternetsociotechnicalFritjof CapraWeb Science TrustAssociation for Computing MachinerySIGWEBConference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsThe Web ConferenceDigital anthropologyDigital sociologyHealth Web ScienceSociology of the InternetTechnology and societyBerners-Lee, T.Hall, W.Hendler, J.Shadbolt, N.Hendler, JimShadbolt, NigelHall, WendyBerners-Lee, TimJohn Wiley & SonsCapra, FritjofWayback MachineYouTubeSemantic WebDatabasesHypertextOntologiesSemanticsSemantic networksDataspacesHyperdataLinked dataRule-based systemsSemantic analyticsSemantic brokerSemantic computingSemantic mapperSemantic matchingSemantic publishingSemantic reasonerSemantic searchSemantic service-oriented architectureSemantic wikiCollective intelligenceDescription logicFolksonomyGeotaggingInformation architectureKnowledge extractionKnowledge managementKnowledge representation and reasoningLibrary 2.0Digital libraryDigital humanitiesMetadataReferencesTopic mapWeb 2.0Web engineeringtriplesRDF/XMLJSON-LDTurtleNotation3N-TriplesSPARQLSemantic HTMLCommon LogicRule Interchange FormatSemantic Web Rule LanguageMicrodataMicroformatsSAWSDLFacebook PlatformDublin CoreSchema.orghCalendarhProducthRecipehReview