Walter Smaill

[1] Amongst the teams Smaill played for were the Cobalt Silver Kings, Ottawa Senators, Victoria Aristocrats, and Montreal Wanderers.[2][3] On Dominion Day 1909 Smaill narrowly escaped a similar death to that which befell his former teammate on the Montreal Wanderers Hod Stuart two years prior in 1907.Smaill dove into shallow water outside the Cartierville neighborhood in Montreal to recover a pair of glasses which had been dropped from a boat.[5] Smaill did not shy away from the physical aspects of the game, which earned him quite many whacks and hacks in his face over the years as an amateur and professional hockey player.He had also been rendered unconscious for 15 hours after a collision with Lester Patrick, and for 20 minutes in another instance after having been knocked out by Horace Gaul.
Smaill, in the middle in the back row, with the Victoria Aristocrats .
Montreal WanderersMontrealQuebecCobalt Silver KingsOttawa SenatorsVictoria Aristocratsice hockeyNational Hockey AssociationEastern Canada Amateur Hockey AssociationPacific Coast Hockey AssociationStanley CupDominion DayHod StuartCartiervilleleft wingdefencemanThe ProvinceVancouverHarry HylandNewsy LalondeJoe HallJack UlrichHarry SmithFrank PatrickLester PatrickHorace GaulMontreal General HospitalMount Royal CemeteryOutremont