Walpole–Townshend ministry
The government of Great Britain was under the joint leadership of Prime Minister Robert Walpole (in the House of Commons) and Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend (in the House of Lords), from 1721 until Townshend departed from the government in 1730. [1]
Floral Badge of Great Britain
government of Great Britain Robert Walpole House of Commons Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend House of Lords First Lord of the Treasury Chancellor of the Exchequer Leader of the House of Commons Secretary of State for the Northern Department Charles Townshend, Viscount Townshend Secretary of State for the Southern Department John Carteret, Lord Carteret Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle Lord Chancellor Thomas Parker, Earl of Macclesfield Peter King, Lord King Lord Privy Seal Evelyn Pierrepont, Duke of Kingston Thomas Trevor, Lord Trevor Lord President of the Council Henry Boyle, Lord Carleton William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire First Lord of the Admiralty James Berkeley, Earl of Berkeley George Byng, Viscount Torrington Master-General of the Ordnance John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough William Cadogan, Earl Cadogan John Campbell, Duke of Argyll Paymaster of the Forces Charles Cornwallis, Lord Cornwallis Spencer Compton, Lord Wilmington Lord Steward Lionel Sackville, Duke of Dorset Lord Chamberlain Charles FitzRoy, Duke of Grafton Master of the Horse Richard Lumley, Earl of Scarbrough Secretary of State for Scotland John Ker, Duke of Roxburghe 1722 British general election 1727 British general election 5th Parliament of Great Britain Whigs (British political party) Second Stanhope–Sunderland ministry Walpole ministry Cabinet Sir Robert Walpole The Viscount Townshend Northern Secretary Southern Secretary The Earl Granville The Duke of Newcastle The Earl of Macclesfield The Lord King The Duke of Kingston The Lord Trevor The Lord Carleton The Duke of Devonshire The Earl of Berkeley The Viscount Torrington The Duke of Marlborough The Earl Cadogan The Duke of Argyll The Lord Cornwallis The Earl of Wilmington The Duke of Dorset The Duke of Grafton The Earl of Scarbrough British governments Great Britain Godolphin–Marlborough Harley Townshend Stanhope–Sunderland I Stanhope–Sunderland II Walpole Carteret Broad Bottom I and II Short-lived Newcastle I Pitt–Devonshire 1757 Caretaker Pitt–Newcastle (Newcastle II) Grenville Rockingham I Chatham Grafton Rockingham II Shelburne Fox–North (Portland I) Pitt I UK (GB and Ire) Addington Pitt II All the Talents Portland II Perceval Liverpool Canning Goderich Wellington–Peel Melbourne I Wellington Caretaker Peel I Melbourne II Peel II Russell I Who? Who? (Derby–Disraeli I) Aberdeen Palmerston I Derby–Disraeli II Palmerston II Russell II Derby–Disraeli III (Disraeli I) Gladstone I Disraeli II Gladstone II Salisbury I Gladstone III Salisbury II Gladstone IV Rosebery Salisbury III and IV Balfour Campbell-Bannerman