Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning

VCAL is a practical education stream, where students may work in a trade or part-time job on some days of the week and supplement this by doing a set course at school.In 2012, the Victorian Liberal/National Coalition, under the leadership of Ted Baillieu made large funding cuts (over $300m) to the TAFE public education system, a major deliverer of VCAL courses for the youth and mature aged students, and cut funding to Secondary school VCAL programs.This resulted in students being unable to access many courses and job losses for VCAL providers for secondary schools.[1][2] In November 2019, the Victorian Government commissioned a review into vocational and applied learning at school.Education Minister James Merlino stated that a 'single VCE certificate would make it easier for students to get a range of skills, both academic and vocational.'
secondary schoolAustralianVictoriaVictorian Certificate of Education (VCE)Victorian Curriculum and Assessment AuthorityTed BaillieuVictorian GovernmentJames MerlinoVCE Vocational MajorDepartment of Education and Early Childhood Development (Victoria)New South WalesHigher School CertificateVictorian Certificate of EducationQueenslandQueensland Certificate of EducationSouth AustraliaSouth Australian Certificate of EducationWestern AustraliaWestern Australian Certificate of EducationTasmaniaTasmanian Certificate of EducationAustralian Capital TerritoryNorthern TerritoryNorthern Territory Certificate of Education and TrainingIB DiplomaAustralian Certificate of EducationUniversities Admissions CentreVictorian Tertiary Admissions CentreQueensland Tertiary Admissions CentreSouth Australian Tertiary Admissions CentreTertiary Institutions Service CentreAustralian Tertiary Admission Rank