
[2] The trade union is divided into 10 federal state districts and five divisions and is managed by a National Executive Board (Bundesvorstand) with nine members.On 4 October 1997, the chairmen of the DAG, DPG, GEW, HBV, IG Medien and ÖTV signed the "Hamburg Declaration", in which they supported the reorganisation of the representation of trade union interests in the service sector.[12] In spring 2000, the merger project was brought to a temporary halt after the DAG and HBV adopted different positions on Saturday work at banks.[17] In November 2000, the delegates from the DAG, DPG, HBV and IG Medien nevertheless voted in favour of the establishment of Verdi with majorities of between and 78 and 99 percent.His elected successor, Frank Bsirske, was also in favour of the merger and announced that he additionally planned to run for the role of Verdi Chairman.[27] This matrix system was already a controversial decision back when Verdi was founded and problems concerning the management of the trade union continued to be brought to the forefront after its establishment.[30] The equal treatment of men and women in all organisational units is stipulated in the Verdi Statute and has been a central topic of the trade union ever since it was first established.The council is composed of representatives from the federal state districts, the divisions and the groups of women, young people and senior citizens.Alongside the divisions, the Verdi Statute also stipulates that so-called groups of individuals be established on a district, state and national level.[46] In 2012, a working platform for committees, special interest groups, shop stewards and other individuals actively involved in the running of Verdi was added to the member network.In 2006, the members of the trade union accepted a new collective agreement for the Public Service of the German Federal States after having previously gone on strike over a period of three months.[60] In 2007, Verdi and the German Civil Service Federation (DBB) launched an advertising campaign costing three million Euros with the motto of "Genug gespart" (Enough saved).[69] It later managed to repeat that success in similar negotiations in 2018, with an agreement which provides for a cumulative 7.5 per cent increase in salaries over a period of 30 months and includes top-ups and extra payments designed to make the public sector a more attractive employer.[73] Verdi currently runs educational centres in Berlin, Bielefeld, Brannenburg, Gladenbach, Mosbach, Naumburg (Hesse), Saalfeld, Undeloh and Walsrode.ver.di b+b has been examined and certified by the independent institute for "Learner-Oriented Quality Testing in Further Education and Training" (Lernerorientierte Qualitätstestierung in der Weiterbildung).Ever since Verdi was first founded, its complex organisational structure has repeatedly been the subject of criticism: In as early as 2001, for example, the German daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel warned readers about the threat of "losses and inefficiency due to friction".[83] Critics also accused Verdi of taking a strong stand in favour of employee rights and fair wages in public but not aiming to achieve these goals on an internal level.
Verdi headquarters in Berlin-Mitte
Verdi educational center "Clara Sahlberg", Berlin-Wannsee
BerlinBerlin-Mittetrade unionGerman Trade Union ConfederationIG MetallFrank BsirskeGerman Salaried Employees' UnionGerman Postal UnionTrade, Banking and Insurance UnionMedia UnionPublic Services, Transport and Traffic UnionTRANSNETEducation and Science Workers' UnionFood, Beverages and Catering Unionservice sectorMagdeburgDeutsche Lufthansamatrix systemBaden-WürttembergBavariaBrandenburgHamburgLower SaxonyBremenSchleswig-HolsteinMecklenburg-West PomeraniaNorth Rhine-WestphaliaRhineland-PalatinateSaarlandSaxonySaxony-AnhaltThuringiaGermany's new federal statesGerman Federal Constitutional CourtGerman Civil Service FederationDeutsche PostBielefeldBrannenburgGladenbachMosbachNaumburgSaalfeldUndelohWalsrodeworks councilglobal union federationsUNI Global UnionInternational Transport Workers' FederationInternational Graphical FederationInternational Federation of JournalistsPublic Services InternationalEuropean Movement GermanyTax Justice NetworkDer TagesspiegelWelt am SonntagDie TageszeitungSodexoDiakonieFrankfurter RundschauHandelsblattSpiegel OnlineStuttgarter ZeitungDer SpiegelGeneral-AnzeigerBerliner MorgenpostDie WeltHamburger MorgenpostSchwäbische ZeitungBerliner ZeitungReutersFinancial Times