Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

[8] As a Brazilian public federal institution, students do not pay tuition fees to enroll in courses offered by the university.In November 1934, the Universidade de Porto Alegre (University of Porto Alegre) was founded, initially composed of the following units: The third transformation took place in 1947, when it became the Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul (University of Rio Grande do Sul), URGS, incorporating the Law and Dentistry Colleges from Pelotas and with the Pharmacy College from Santa Maria.[10] Many high-ranking officials, including three presidents - Getúlio Vargas, João Goulart and Dilma Rousseff - as well as the majority of the history, philosophy and social sciences teachers in smaller universities throughout the state were educated in the institution.The university's infrastructure comprises more than 500 laboratories, 33 libraries, 37 lecture halls, the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (the university's clinical research hospital), UFRGS Press, UFRGS Museum, Botanical Garden, Broadcasting Center, Observatory, 3 buildings for Campus Accommodation, 5 refectories, 2 summer camps and several other centers and facilities.SECOM defines the communication policies and strategies employed by UFRGS, facilitating services inside the university through the creation of informative and institutional materials.This program has the compromise of stimulating university developed projects which are turned to popularization and spreading of science and technology in a variety of social groups and in school environment, through participation of UFRGS undergraduate students, in activities which enable the permanent development of human capital in these areas.However, as of 2019, UFRGS decided to withdraw the sum of 10% in the final score, having only vacancies through the National High School Exam (30%) and/or through the Vestibular (70%).
UFRGS Entrance
University Hospital building in Porto Alegre.
UFCSPAPublicEndowmentmillionRectorUndergraduatesPostgraduatesDoctoral studentsPorto AlegreRio Grande do SulBrazilsuburbanPortuguesefederalresearch universityscientific publicationsSupreme Federal CourtBrazilian Academy of LettersPharmacyChemistryhigher educationMedicinehumanitiestertiary educationAstronomyElectricalDentistryCommerceCommunicationJournalismAdvertisingPublic RelationsAgricultural ScienceVeterinary MedicinePhilosophyLinguisticsFine ArtsPelotasSanta MariaFederal University of PelotasFederal University of Santa MariaFederal Governmentmilitary dictatorshipGetúlio VargasJoão GoulartDilma RousseffInstitute of GeosciencesInstitute of Linguistics, Languages and Literature (Instituto de Letras)Hospital de Clínicas de Porto AlegreVestibularExame Nacional do Ensino MédioUniversity rankingsMinistry of EducationUniversidade de São Paulorankings of universities in BrazilWebometrics Ranking of World UniversitiesEllen Gracie NorthfleetGermano RigottoJorge Gerdau JohannpeterGerdauNelson JobimRosa WeberGustavo S. OderichPatricia PrankeMoacyr ScliarMarco Antonio RauppMinister of Science, Technology and InnovationLeonel de Moura BrizolaJosé Mauro Volkmer de CastilhoHelena Amélia Oehler StemmerGuilherme "Bill" CardosoJosé LutzenbergerPaulo Renato SouzaJorge FurtadoRadamés GnattaliprintmakerCaio Fernando AbreuJoão Gilberto NollLya LuftOlívio DutraHumberto GessingerAdriana Neumann de OliveiraArtur Oscar LopesIrajá Damiani PintoIvan IzquierdoJairton DupontKepler de Souza OliveiraMara AlvaresMarcia BarbosaMiriani Griselda PastorizaThaisa Storchi BergmannBrazil University RankingsList of federal universities of BrazilUniversities and Higher Education in BrazilThe Washington PostGovernmentTimelineAgronomiaAnchietaArquipélagoAuxiliadoraAzenhaBela VistaBelém NovoBelém VelhoBoa VistaBom FimBom JesusCamaquãCascataCavalhadaCentro HistóricoChácara das PedrasCidade BaixaCoronel Aparício BorgesCristalCristo RedentorEspírito SantoFarraposFarroupilhaFlorestaGlóriaGuarujáHigienópolisHípicaHumaitáIndependênciaIpanemaJardim BotânicoJardim CarvalhoJardim FlorestaJardim IsabelJardim Itu-SabaráJardim LindoiaJardim do SalsoJardim São PedroLageadoLomba do PinheiroMarcílio DiasMário QuintanaMedianeiraMenino DeusMoinhos de VentoMont'SerratNavegantesNonoaiPartenonPasso d'AreiaPedra RedondaPetrópolisPonta GrossaPraia de BelasRestingaRio BrancoRubem BertaSanta CecíliaSanta Maria GorettiSanta TerezaSantanaSanto AntônioSão GeraldoSão JoãoSão JoséSão SebastiãoSarandiSerrariaTeresópolisTrês FigueirasTristezaVila AssunçãoVila ConceiçãoVila IpirangaVila JardimVila João PessoaVila NovaBrazilian universities and collegesAlagoasAmapáAmazonasRecôncavoSouthernWesternBrasíliaCearáCaririInternational Integration of the Afro-Brazilian LusophonyGoiásMaranhãoMato GrossoMato Grosso do SulGrande DouradosMinas GeraisAlfenasItajubáJuiz de ForaLavrasOuro PretoSão João del-ReiTriângulo MineiroUberlândiaVales do Jequitinhonha e MucuriViçosaRural of AmazoniaSouthern and SoutheasternParaíbaCampina GrandeParanáLatin American IntegrationTechnologyPernambucoSão Francisco ValleyPiauíRio de JaneiroFluminenseState of Rio de JaneiroRio Grande do NorteRural of the Semi-arid RegionHealth Sciences of Porto AlegreRio GrandeRondôniaRoraimaSanta CatarinaFronteira SulSão PauloABC RegionSão CarlosSergipeTocantinsInstituto Militar de EngenhariaInstituto Tecnológico de AeronáuticaNaval SchoolBaianoCEFET-MGBarra da TijucaCEFET-RJSul-Rio-GrandenseFeira de SantanaSanta CruzSouthwesternVale do AcaraúRegião TocantinaMontes ClarosLondrinaMaringáNorthernWest ZoneCampinasSão Caetano do SulTaubatéFEEVALEFMP/FASEINSPERMACKENZIEPUC-CampinasPUC-GoiásPUC-MGPUC-PRPUC-RioPUC-RSPUC-SPUNAERPUNIARAUNIBANUNICAPUNICEUBUNICRUZUNIDERPUNIFACSUNIFRAUniÍtaloUNIMEPUNINOVAFAPIUNIPARUNIRITTERUNISANTOSUNISINOSUNIVAPUNIVATESUNIVEMUNOPARUnilesteCentro Brasileiro de Pesquisas FísicasInstituto Benjamin ConstantInstituto ButantanInstituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e AplicadaInternational Institute for Neuroscience of NatalLaboratório Nacional de Luz SíncrotronNational Institute of Amazonian ResearchNational ObservatoryFederal universities of BrazilBRICS Universities LeagueAmazonian ResearchPontifical Catholic Rio de JaneiroEconomicsInformation TechnologiesInternational RelationsPhysics and TechnologyScience and TechnologyPower EngineeringMoscowPeoples' FriendshipSaint PetersburgTomsk PolyBanaras HinduTechnology BombayTechnology KanpurTechnology KharagpurDevelopment ResearchJamia Millia IslamiaNational Technology DurgapurNational Technology WarangalTata Social SciencesTERI Advanced StudiesVisvesvaraya National TechnologyBeijing NormalHarbin EngineeringHuazhong Science and TechnologyJiangsu NormalNorth China Water Resources and Electric PowerNortheast ForestrySichuanSouthwestYanshanYunnanZhejiangCentral TechnologyDurban TechnologyNorth-WestRhodesStellenboschTshwane TechnologyCape TownJohannesburgLimpopoPretoriaWitwatersrand