Ulysses and the Sirens (Draper)

[3] Draper also painted a reduced replica that is now in the Leeds Art Gallery.[4] The subject of the painting is an episode in the epic poem Odyssey by Homer in which Ulysses is tormented by the voices of Sirens, although there are only two Sirens in Homer's poem and they stay in a meadow.[5] The painting depicts Ulysses tied to the mast and forcibly attendant to the Sirens' seductions.[8] Draper's conflation of Sirens with mermaids and his sexualization of these figures are consistent with other artwork of the Victorian and Edwardian eras.[9] Norwegian social theorist Jon Elster used the name of Draper's painting as the title for his 1979 book about rationality and precommitment.
The Sirens and UlyssesUlysses and the Sirens (Waterhouse)Herbert James DraperOil on canvasOdysseyUlyssesSirensFerens Art GalleryKingston upon Hulloil paintingreplicaLeeds Art Galleryepic poemancient Greek artmermaidssexualizationVictorianEdwardian erasJon ElsterrationalityprecommitmentNeurosurgeryCharactersOdysseusPenelopeTelemachusCtimeneAnticleaLaertesAutolycusEurycleiaMentorPhemiusEumaeusPhiloetiusMelanthiusMelanthoAlcinousPhaeaciaAntiphatesLaestrygonesAretus AreteDeucalion of CreteEchetusNestorEchephronPerseusStratichusPeisistratusMenelausSpartaNausicaaLaodamasAgamemnonMycenaeIdomeneusMentesThrasymedesAeolusAthenaCalypsoHeliosHermesLeucotheaPoseidonOceanusOld Man of the SeaSuitorsAgelausAmphimedonAmphinomusAntinousCtesippusDemoptolemusEurymachusLeodesPerimedesAchillesAnticlusAntiphusCyclopesPolyphemusDemodocusDoliusElpenorEupeithesEuryalusEurylochusHalithersesKikoniansMesauliusPolitesPolydamnaScyllaCharybdisTiresiasTheoclymenusL'OdisseaThe Return of RingoUlysses' GazeSans plombO Brother, Where Art Thou?Cold MountainKeyholeThe ReturnThe OdysseyUlysses 31Mission OdysseyOdysseus and the Isle of the MistsA True StoryLes Aventures de TélémaqueThe World's DesireThe Human ComedyReturn to IthacaHomer's DaughterThe PenelopiadThe Lost Books of the OdysseyThe CantosPagan OperettaCurrent NobodyCyclopsIthakaIl ritorno d'Ulisse in patriaThe Golden AppleGlam Slam UlyssesHome Sweet HomerOdysseus, VerbrecherTales of Brave UlyssesJar with Odysseus and ElpenorOdysseus on the Island of the PhaeciansTelemachus and the Nymphs of CalypsoThe Sorrow of TelemachusOdysseus at the Court of AlcinousThe Apotheosis of HomerUlysses Deriding PolyphemusCirce Offering the Cup to UlyssesUlysses and the SirensOdysseus and PolyphemusHomeric scholarshipHomeric LaughterHomeric QuestionChorizontesJørgensen's lawGeography of the OdysseyHistoricity of the IliadOdysseus UnboundHomer's IthacaOn the Cave of the Nymphs in the OdysseyRediscovering HomerHermoniakos' IliadHysteron proteronEpithets in HomerDactylic hexameterTranslationsOn First Looking into Chapman's HomerOn Translating HomerWishbone and the Amazing OdysseyIn medias resBetween Scylla and CharybdisApotheosis of HomerNekyiaNostosReturns from TroyTelemachyTrojan Horse